Deciding what matters most, what to measure, and how to measure is a crucial part of setting your organisation's performance management foundations. An integral part of appropriate performance management is ensuring that the job descriptions put in place and used for talent acquisition purposes are valid, accurate, comprehensive and representative of the role that is required. At KPMG we use extensive tools and methods to conduct job grading and job evaluation in the organisation. We have deep experience creating job descriptions, internal salary grids and external compensation and benefits survey.

What issues are our clients facing?

  • Inaccurate job descriptions which do not reflect the real jobs done. This leads to problems with hiring new candidates and performance management issues.
  • Job role ambiguity, inaccurate tasks, overlapping responsibilities, lack of accountability and ownership.
  • Inaccurate job levels, inappropriate division of job roles into job levels and misclassified jobs within the job hierarchy.
  • Employees feel they are not paid fairly, salary ranges for different job roles are not transparent. Salary does not reflect complexity of job done.
  • Compensation and benefits are not competitive with market standards and high attrition rate of key employees due to non-competitive salary.

What do we do to help clients tackle these challenges?

  • We help organisation increase objectivity, transparency and fairness in remuneration philosophy and career progression through job grading using the KPMG sKale Job Grading Methodology.
  • Through a clear understanding of the value, complexity and impact of different job roles we help clients to establish job levels with regards to a rational pay structure across organisation.
  • We help organisations ensure job role clarity, increase personal accountability and safeguard that the job descriptions are valid, accurate, comprehensive and representative of the role that is required. We provide the foundations for individual KPIs byconfirming that real tasks are involved in job descriptions and that data related to tasks are clear and measurable (e.g. importance or duration of performed tasks).
  • Job evaluation increases productivity, improves process efficiency and creates a baseline for KPIs and automation.
  • Creation of a clear and thorough performance management strategy.
  • Through our comprehensive knowledge in conducting surveys and desk-based research we help clients understand if the compensation and benefits package per job role is competitive in comparison with competitors.
Performance Management

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