The KPMG Skills Assessment tool

  • Tool is developed to measure the  level of hard and soft skills per job level
  • Both current skill level, as well as, skill level needed to achieve future success in the department are evaluated
  • Two independent evaluators rank the level of hard and soft skills of own team(group of employees per job level are evaluated by manager/team lead and deputy manager/supervisor)
KPMG Skills Assessment
Employee Skills

Nowadays businesses need to build a new approach to strategic workforce planning and talent management, where better forecasting data and people analytics are critical.

Data analytics may become a useful tool, whether by facilitating objective assessment and establishment of performance management strategy, understanding career paths and individual development plan, identifying unconscious biases in recruitment processes or even to understand workplace behaviours, engagement and organisational culture.

Carrying out a Skills Assessment will not only define the skills employees need to develop, but it will also allow for a clearer picture when developing and designing talent management initiatives, allowing for a more focused approach aligned to the organisation’s business strategy.

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