Organisational DNA

Organisational Structure and Reporting Lines, Mission, Vision and Values

The organisational structure challenge is often about finding a simpler way of organising people, clearer reporting lines and decision-making processes. Our approach focuses on the establishing or re-evaluation of an organisation's Mission, Vision and Values,structure and reporting lines to be aligned with their business strategy. Central to our approach is co-creation of an organisational structure with the leadership team and involvement of the workforce in creating values which are then brought to life.

What issues are our clients facing?

  • A need to reshape organisational structure, creating a leaner model and more efficient reporting lines and decision making processes.
  • Difficulty reaching organisational goals and desired future state. Lack of middle management involvement in the decision making process.
  • An unestablished and/or outdated Mission and Vision which no longer reflect the desires of the organisation.
  • Lack of clear organisational vision and alignment between the leadership team, senior and middle management in business strategy and achieving organisational goals.
  • A need to be less complex and have a clear line of sight from strategy to execution.
  • Values are not clear across the organisation and not reflected

What do we do to help clients tackle these challenges?

  • We work with organisations at any stage, from start-ups to long established organisations, assuring that an organisation has the right structure and reporting lines to support its overall vision and mission. This is crucial to ensure that an organisation reaches its business objectives.
  • A proven evidence-based approach to establish organisational mission, vision and values based on the input from employees at all job levels.
  • Stakeholders’ alignment on organisational structure, decision making process, mission, vision and values.
  • An organisation’s core values are the compass of an organisation: we help the client to establish them and put them at the ‘heart’ of all their talent management practices.
Organisational Foundation

HR Review and Optimisation

Review and gap analysis of HR practices and Review and improvement of HR Policies and Procedures

It is essential for an organisation to understand the strategic role an HR department plays and its need to be an effectively functioning body with specific key development priorities, and which is available to implement large-scale HR projects (e.g. HRIS implementation). Furthermore, it is critical that this department is staffed by employees with the appropriate skills and knowledge for the department to operate effectively. Our team of subject matter experts has comprehensive experience of working for numerous organisations of different sizes and in different industries globally, where we conducted gap analysis and provided feedback on HR processes and policies. We have also experience with the creation of HR SOPs, and creation and implementation of HR policies.

What issues are our clients facing?

  • Consideration of restructuring and reorganisation of HR department. Indications of overstaffing/understaffing in the HR department.
  • Is our HR set up for success to be a forward moving strategic HR department?
  • Which are our strengths and areas for improvement in our HR processes and policies?
  • We do not have clear SOPs which support the mapping of the recruitment process, career management methodology and policy related to internal promotions.
  • We do not have a clear understanding of how developed our HR function is.

What do we do to help clients tackle these challenges?

  • We focus on HR Optimisation –improvement of the efficiency, productivity and performance of an organisational employees by identifying gaps in HR practices to improve organisational success.
  • We collect an extensive spectrum of observations related to HR procedures and policies and provide a deep gap analysis according to the KPMG Organisational Performance Framework.
  • Define Current Operating Model and Target Operating Model for the HR function. Provision of clear guidance (i.e. recommendations and action plan with top priorities) on how to bridge identified gaps.
  • We ensure that all immediate concerns are addressed and HR policies and SOPs are all updated and/or created from scratch (e.g. recruitment process SOP).
  • Build and design implementation roadmaps toachieve a desired future state.
Organisational Foundation

Core Competencies and BARS

Identification of core competencies, Behavioural illustrations and Employee Assessment through BARS

We have significant experience in identifying core competencies for organisations in the private and public sector and customising these further by giving behavioural illustrations of what they actually mean for each specific organisation. Our experience goes beyond the creation of core competencies with the inclusion of the creation ofBARS (Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scales) for the purpose of performance evaluation.BARS are considered objective and reliable as they provide a clear structure against which to assess performance. They provide clear standards for employees and are considered an accurate measure which improves reliability.

What issues are our clients facing?

  • Ambiguous guidelines for expected behaviour in the current workforce.
  • Uncertainty around the definition of core competencies and how core competencies are reflected in employees’ behaviour –what is the expected behaviour and what should be avoided.
  • Absence of organisational unity due to a lack of core competencies and lack of alignment between core competencies, performance, recruitment and business objectives.
  • Lack of objective methods for performance management and assessment of employees.

What we do to help clients tackle these challenges?

  • Creation of core competencies and behaviouralillustrations based on theorganisational values.
  • Establishment of core competencies which are splitinto levels of maturity (e.g.Foundation –Intermediate –Advanced)
  • BARS created per competency and/or per level of maturity outlining a High/Medium/Low demonstration of that competency for assessment purposes.
  • Analysis of existing core competencies and streamlining of behavioural illustrations.
  • Core competencies as a baseline for recruitment processes and performance management.

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