Our Commissioned Projects service area, focuses on running projects related to education, training, employment and employability. Through our expertise in these areas, we have the opportunity to work on a number of national projects including:

National Youths NEET Census Study in relation to the European Union’s Youth Guarantee, commissioned by the Ministry for Education and Employment, partly funded by the European Social Fund (2015)

This study, carried out over a period of 6 months, investigated the status of youths who are generally classified as ‘Not in Employment, Education or Training’ (NEET). This was a research project in which we; trained interviewers, conducted door-to-door interviews, analysed data, conducted follow up interviews, compiled the final report, and presented our findings to the European Commission overseeing the Youth Guarantee Scheme.

Work Programme Initiative is a collaboration between KPMG People & Change and Jobsplus, partly funded by the European Social Fund (2015-2019)

In collaboration with Jobsplus, we assist long-term unemployed and inactive individuals to re-enter the labour market.  Our role is vital in profiling, training and eventually placing individuals in employment. We mentor the individual for up to 3 years after they are back into employment.

Development of a National Occupational Handbook for Jobsplus, partly funded by the European Social Fund (2017-2018)

The Occupational Handbook comprises relevant information about 300 occupations across 26 sectors in the Maltese economy. It is the first of its kind for Malta and designed for policy makers, social partners, employers, students and job seekers, career guidance advisors, and recruiters.

Over an 8 month period, the project involves carrying out desk-based research for each occupation, performing online and face-to-face consultation with a number of industry stakeholders in order to validate the occupational information, and presentation of the final Occupational Handbook in printed and online form.

Framework agreement for the provision of training of public officers (2016-2020)

The KPMG People and Change Advisory Services team forms part of a pool of selected training providers for the public sector. Training focuses on the following areas: communication and interpersonal skills, customer care, leadership and management, and operations.

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