A business case brings together the benefits, disadvantages, costs and risks of the current situation and future vision so that you can clearly decide if a project should go ahead or not. A comprehensive business case for your project can help you:

Business case

Why develop business cases and feasibility studies?

  • A business case or feasibility study involves hours of work but can save your organisation from wasting valuable resources on projects that in practice are simply not viable.
  • A business case or feasibility study can identify the key activities required for a project to be implemented and sets the milestones by when these activities should take place.
  • A business case or feasibility study can help you estimate your project’s performance under stress scenarios.
  • A business case or feasibility study can help you obtain bank finance or apply for Government funds under a specific scheme or programme.  

KPMG’s Infrastructure, Public Policy and Strategy team has extensive experience in the compilation of business cases and feasibility studies. 

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