Why Choose KPMG for Data and Analytics?

The KPMG Malta team brings together people from various specialities allowing us to deliver on projects across key business areas, including strategy, customer experience, risk and quality. With a formidable portfolio of technologies, built through alliances with Google, Microsoft, Oracle and IBM, we strive to deliver a business-first approach. This means focusing on solving complex business issues with analytics, rather than applying a rigid toolset to everything we encounter.

The Data and Analytics Journey

Data and Analytics Journey

3 Pillars of Data Analytics

Data Management
  • Ensuring that the collection and holding of data is structured, controlled, consistent and protected, whilst providing a holistic view of the data.
  1. Data Warehousing
  2. Data Mapping
Business Intelligence
  • Transformation of data into information.
  • Providing strong support for both strategic and operational decision.
  1. Visualisations, dashboards and reports using Power BI, Tableau and QlikView
Advanced Analytics
  • Understanding the data through scientific methods, processes, algorithms and systems to extract knowledge and insights from the data.
  1. Trend Analysis
  2. Predictive modelling
  3. ‘What-if’ Analysis

What do the professionals have to say about Data Analytics?

How Data Analytics Impacts Small Businesses in 2019 – business.com
How Data Analytics Impacts Small Businesses in 2019 – business.com
How Data Analytics Impacts Small Businesses in 2019 – business.com
How Data Analytics Impacts Small Businesses in 2019 – business.com
How Data Analytics Impacts Small Businesses in 2019 – business.com

This article explains the three most common ways in which small businesses can implement data analytics to become more efficient and effective in their operations, including: (1) Deep Learning algorithms, using chatbots, which assist in responding quicker and more intelligently to an increasing amount of consumer queries, and (2) Dark Data Manipulation – which is the process of collecting and using information assets that a company collects, but fails to use.

This article explains the three most common ways in which small businesses can implement data analytics to become more efficient and effective in their operations, including: (1) Deep Learning algorithms, using chatbots, which assist in responding quicker and more intelligently to an increasing amount of consumer queries, and (2) Dark Data Manipulation – which is the process of collecting and using information assets that a company collects, but fails to use.

This article explains the three most common ways in which small businesses can implement data analytics to become more efficient and effective in their operations, including: (1) Deep Learning algorithms, using chatbots, which assist in responding quicker and more intelligently to an increasing amount of consumer queries, and (2) Dark Data Manipulation – which is the process of collecting and using information assets that a company collects, but fails to use.

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