KPMG Microsoft Business Solutions Malta is currently engaged on a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Powered Finance project for a multinational insurance provider. This financial services organisation is an unlisted public company with a number of headquarters in various countries.

The client is currently on a transformational ERP modernisation journey moving from their in- house developed systems to a modern digital business platform to meet the growing needs of the organisation.

The strategy is to focus on implementing a corporate-wide Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software system, utilising Out of the Box (OTB) standard processes embedded in the ERP solution, and exceptional reporting capabilities.

KPMG was selected as it offered a finance transformation approach underpinned by KPMG’s Powered Finance methodology.  KPMG also had a global team that could meet the clients’ time-zone differences and localisation requirements.

The Challenge

The client’s strategy is to move from its in-house developed systems that are built on dated technology, to a standardised modern digital business platform to future proof the organisation and meet its growing needs. The group’s finance strategy entails modernisation and future proofing of the finance and reporting functions. 

The Solution – KPMG’s Powered Enterprise enabled by Microsoft Dynamics 365

As mentioned, KPMG’s Powered Enterprise solution framework was selected to implement the ERP at this multinational insurance provider. Powered Enterprise with its pre-configured, leading practice operating model, enabled by the Microsoft Dynamics 365 cloud solution, provides the client the opportunity to fast track and lower the risk around the implementation of the project and the achievement of the set objectives.

Powered Enterprise takes a ‘solution-led’ approach to transformation. It comprises a combination of pre-built solution assets, delivery assets and tools and a delivery method for faster, lower-risk implementation of the solution and realisation of benefits.

Features included:

  • Starting with pre-built process flows and Target Operating Models
  • Engaging key decision makers early on to review and validate the pre-configured solution
  • Shifting focus to high value business decisions
  • Determining what’s unique to the business
  • Demystified the technology and highlighted how it can support the business strategy
  • Increasing certainty of outcomes and reducing risk associated with change
  • Adopting a pragmatic change management approach
  • Driving better adoption of the end solution

For the past months, the KPMG MBS Team in Malta have been working closely together with the local KPMG offices in two other countries. The project is now at a very advanced stage of the project lifecycle.

The results

The implementation of a standardised operating model enabled by Microsoft Dynamics 365 as the new Finance system will achieve amongst others: leading practice business processes, improved reporting, and enhanced automation.

The solution offers a single SaaS technology platform, leveraging Microsoft technologies and ERP, as well as a common database, with strong reporting capabilities of one version of the truth. 

Written by:

Keith Sacco, Senior Manager, Microsoft Business Solutions Malcolm Micallef, Project Manager, Microsoft Business Solutions