VAT is part and parcel of every day transactions for gambling operators. While VAT can represent a major cost and compliance burden, it can often also offer a cash flow management challenge. KPMG in Malta understands the challenge of staying on top of indirect taxes. We know how important it is to devise systems that process each transaction using the right indirect tax treatment and capturing the data required by the tax authorities. It is rather unsettling to have to deal with tax authorities when the process goes wrong. That is why we provide a range of indirect tax services ranging from preventative services such as health checks to identify potential problem areas to indirect tax planning. Our indirect tax services include:

Domestic and international VAT advisory

Whether you are looking to reduce costs or use VAT to achieve competitive advantage, we provide you with the tax technical insights and skills you need to realise your most important business ambitions. We can help in establishing your company's VAT status; with the development and execution of effective indirect tax management strategies including internal controls; in advising on the indirect tax consequences of entering new markets and undertaking corporate transactions; in assisting on buy-side and sell-side tax due diligences; in, providing relevant advice on the VAT treatment of particular transactions; in conducting VAT health checks with the aim of targeting weaknesses and identifying opportunities to maximise VAT recovery and improve VAT cashflow management and compliance processes.

VAT compliance

Whereas less than excellent VAT house-keeping can result in penalties, damaged reputation and missed opportunities, it is a challenge to retain consistently excellent standards of compliance with the requirements of the ever-evolving VAT law. In order to help taxpayers in meeting this challenge, KPMG provides services such as assistance with VAT registration, preparation and submission of VAT returns, recapitulative statements, Intrastat and other VAT forms, refund applications, computation of partial attribution, reporting and assistance with adjusting VAT returns. We also assist taxpayers in filing objections and appeals, liaise with the VAT Department on such matters and support taxpayers in the course of tax audits or other investigations by tax authorities.

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