Myanmar Client Alert - 23 April 2018

Myanmar Client Alert - 23 April 2018

MIC notification 7/2018 – Private Education Services

MIC notification 7/2018 – Private Education Services

The above notification was issued on 20 April 2018 by the Myanmar Investment Commission (“MIC”).

Private education was not specifically mentioned in the restricted activities that were listed in the MIC notification no 15/2017 dated 10 April 2017. However, it was still included as a promoted industry which meant that investors may have been able to obtain tax incentives when making investments of this nature.

 Notification 7/2018 specifies that investors (either Myanmar citizens, joint ventures or foreign investors) can invest in providing the following type of educational services:-

  • Private basic education;
  • Private technical, vocational and training;
  • Private higher education;
  • Private subject based school; or
  • Private school designated by the Ministry of Education.

It would seem that that there will be flexibility in the form of investment but investors will still need to conform with the National Education Law.

How can KPMG help

KPMG can assist in assessing your investments into Myanmar. KPMG is experienced in advising clients looking at investing into Myanmar via acquisition of existing businesses or making greenfield investments into Myanmar. Our team of dynamic professionals have the necessary experience in dealing with the intricacies of investing into Myanmar and will be able to offer practical advice and solutions. Please reach out to us to discuss and understand the impact to your investment in Myanmar.

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