Transport, Logistics & Infrastructure

Transport, Logistics & Infrastructure

KPMG advises both publicy and privately owned transport groups, as well as Government departments and regulators

KPMG advises both publicy and privately owned transport groups, as well as Government...

As part of its policy to promote the diversification of its economy, the Luxembourg Government has been supporting the development of the transport & logistics sector for many years. This support is aimed at taking maximum benefit from Luxembourg’s strategic location in the heart of Europe’s strongest consumer markets. At the cross-roads of the main North-South and East-West rail corridors it is supported by excellent road infrastructure as well as Europe’s 5th largest freight airport. Moreover, Luxembourg offers an attractive tax and regulatory environment.

These favorable factors notwithstanding, it is clear that the economic slowdown has strong adverse effects on the logistics sector. Some of the main issues that we observe at our clients are:

  • Over-capacity in the face of falling demand,
  • Rising operating costs (driven by fuel, taxation and regulation),
  • Inflexible asset bases due to long lead times for construction and order.

We advise both publicy and privately owned transport groups, as well as Government departments and regulators. Our capabilities cover:

  • Land transport (heavy and light rail, coach, bus and transit)
  • Road freight and logistics (including postal)
  • Aviation (airports, airlines and airline services)
  • Shipping and ports

We understand the financial and operational drivers of the transport sector and can assist our firms' clients in dealing with current and emerging issues such as market consolidation, deregulation, public private partnerships and financing.

Drawing upon our longstanding experience within the logistics sector and leveraging our international network, we help our clients address their complex challenges by improving quality, efficiency and effectiveness across their operations.

Through the recent inclusion in our network of BrainNet Supply Management Group, a leading international supply chain consulting group, we have underlined our own advisory capabilities in the logistics sector.

In the maritime area, the Luxembourg Maritime Flag exhibits a unique balance between regulation and flexibility which, combined with a competitive business environment and many tax incentives, has already attracted major shipping companies to Luxembourg.

Today, it is estimated that more than 1,000 jobs in Luxembourg are linked to the maritime sector. 250 ships currently fly the Luxembourg flag and their numbers are growing constantly. Our experience and network of dedicated shipping industry practitioners positions KPMG Luxembourg as a leader to provide large and global shipping companies with quality audit and tailored professional services.