Luxembourg as a business location

Luxembourg as a business location

Located in the heart of Europe, Luxembourg is known for economic and political stability, an international and a multilingual workforce.

Located in the heart of Europe, Luxembourg is known for economic and political stability.

Located in the heart of Europe, Luxembourg is known for economic and political stability, an international and multilingual workforce, a favourable legal and tax environment, a supportive and accessible Government, state-of-the-art infrastructure and connectivity, as well as an AAA rating from all major credit rating agencies. It is as such a real gateway to the European market. Additionally to being a founding member of the Benelux, European Union, OECD and more, Luxembourg is home to several EU institutions, including the European Investment Bank, the European Court of Auditors, and the European Court of Justice.

Luxembourg has become an attractive and major financial hub, home to many foreign financial institutions. It is the largest wealth management center in the Eurozone and the second largest fund center in the world. 

The country is focusing on economic diversification with an emphasis on innovative and technology-based activities. The Luxembourg Government has launched in 2002 the Luxembourg Cluster Initiative, which actively encourages research and collaboration between the private and the public sphere in key sectors such as Automotive, BioHealth, EcoInnovation, ICT, Materials & Production Technologies, Space, Logistics, and Maritime. In particular, Luxembourg has established itself as an ideal intercontinental hub in Europe for value-added logistics, and its space industry ranks amongst the most dynamic in the world.

Thanks to its business-friendly environment, Luxembourg headquarters companies like ArcelorMittal, Cargolux, Delphi and SES, to name only a few. It has also attracted numerous companies that have established their European headquarters in Luxembourg, including Amazon, eBay, DuPont, Goodyear, Fanuc, Guardian, and many more, complementing the attractive business ecosystem of the country.