Assel Urdabayeva

Partner, Audit Department

KPMG Caucasus and Central Asia

Assel has over 15 years of professional experience in audit of IFRS financial statements. Assel specialises and has extensive experience in such areas as banking, insurance, investments, leasing, pension funds and others. Assel leads the audits of large local and international banks, investment funds, insurance and leasing companies, pension funds and credit organisations. She also has experience in audit of the state owned financial organisations and holdings. Assel has experience in implementing the advisory projects such as automation of accounting system in accordance with IFRS, due diligence and in delivery of IFRS-related trainings.


In media:

Article by Assel Urdabayeva for Forbes on 2019 insurance companies rating

Article by Assel Urdabayeva for Forbes on new types of insurance in Kazakhstan in 2019

Interview of Assel Urdabayeva for about career in audit

  • Bachelor degree in Economics, Kazakh Economic University after T. Ryskulov

  • Certified Accountant of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

  • Kazakh Certified Auditor, Auditor’s Qualification Certificate of the Republic of Kazakhstan

  • Certified Accountant Professional of the Republic of Kazakhstan