Corporate Citizenship

Corporate Citizenship

Our approach to CSR is based on the belief that business plays an important role not just in economic life, but in public life as a whole; and can really help address the most challenging problems in the modern world.

At KPMG, we recognise that tackling the social and environmental issues facing the global community today requires businesses to be proactive. Our part in this calls for us to actively develop our corporate philanthropy programme and to work with local communities, government authorities and NGOs. The main goal of our CSR programmes at KPMG in Kazakhstan and Central Asia is to identify and support the most effective solutions to social problems, so as to achieve lasting and visible change. KPMG runs all of the social programmes listed here itself, often in partnership with leading NGOs and with the active participation of our employees. We are open to dialogue and seek to cooperate with all stakeholders. We believe that our readiness to pool resources, take responsibility, share the solutions we find, exchange experience and support the professionals working in the social sector can help to make this world better for us today and for our children tomorrow. Our corporate social responsibility strategy covers three key areas: helping local communities, educational projects and protecting the environment.

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