IT Advisory

IT Advisory

The threats from cyber adversaries are continuing to grow in scale and sophistication.

The threats from cyber adversaries are continuing to grow in scale and sophistication.

The Information Security landscape is constantly evolving

KPMG Cayman Islands is uniquely placed to advise you and your Company on the below offerings:

  • Assurance services for service organisations KPMG offers a wide range of assurance reports to organizations including SOC1, SOC2, SOC for Cyber Security and ISAE 3000 reports. Depending on the size and needs of your company we can work with you to identify the best report to meet your needs.


  • Penetration testing A penetration test is one of the best ways for any organization to identify weaknesses in their external or internal systems. KPMG offers a wide range of penetration testing options including web application testing, firewalls testing and internal network penetration tests.
  • Phishing and IT awareness training Phishing remains one of the most common attacks any organization faces on a daily bases. Through a targeted KPMG phishing attack we can teach your employees exactly what to look out for and decrease the likelihood that your company will fall victim to phishing attacks.
  • Data Privacy Maturity Assessment Have you mitigated the risks of data privacy breaches in your organization? This is becoming more important with the introduction of the Data Protection Law, and focus on data privacy across many jurisdictions. The Data Privacy Maturity Assessment presents an initial indication of the overall privacy preparedness of your organization. Based on the ten privacy management principles, we show you the gaps between your current and desired state of affairs indicating how well you are prepared for pending privacy rules and regulations.
  • Cyber Maturity assessmentKPMG’s Cyber Maturity Assessment (CMA) provides an in-depth review of an organization’s ability to protect its information assets and its preparedness against cyber threats. Through this review KPMG doesn't only look at the technological factors that impact cyber security but also human aspect and corporate governance that support it.


  • IT policies and procedures review and creation IT policies and procedures are a key component of any business that ensure everything operates as intended. KPMG can help you to design and update policies and procedures that meet your specific needs based on the size and nature of your organisation.
  • Security reviewEnsuring your organization is secure is paramount in the current business environment. Through a KPMG Security review we will review the security or specific applications or operating systems to ensure your company is compliant with the industry standards.
  • Business continuity plan and Disaster Recovery plan review and creation How to recover from a hurricane and whether you have backups are not the only things that you should consider when thinking about business continuity. Companies should also plan for cyber-attacks, internal disruptions and how to continue business after a prolonged disruption.


  • New Business IT Consulting With any new application planning it correctly before the time can save your organization significant potential time and delays. KPMG can assist you to identify the correct application for you as well as how to set it up and roll out the new technology.

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