Deal advisory

Deal advisory

KPMG’s integrated team of specialists works at deal speed to help you find and drive value throughout your transformation and transaction lifecycle.

An integrated team of specialists working at deal speed to help you find and drive value.

Today’s deals do not happen in a vacuum. So from your business strategy to your acquisition strategy, your plans for divestments or for raising funds, or even your need to restructure, every decision must be made in light of your entire business, your sector, and the global economy.

Our experience across the deal cycle gives us unique access to what is happening right in the heart of the key sectors. These insights enable us to be better advisors and deliver greater value. 

Fortune, they say, favors the brave — Be innovative. Even in the current economic environment there are opportunities for growth, to seize the initiative and look for opportunities. For businesses with robust balance sheets and a steady and predictable cash flow, KPMG’s deal advisory teams can help you here. Our firm's professionals offer ideas, experience, independence and commitment to enable your company to be in position to take advantage of the new environment.

Given the difficult business conditions of recent times, a change of approach may be needed as previously good clients may have become bad debts, credit not being readily available and some suppliers no longer able to supply. Equally, for some businesses, the tougher business conditions have resulted in underperformance from either an operational or financial perspective. 

For a business that is underperforming, our deal advisory professionals can work alongside management, stakeholders and lenders to help make real improvements to cash flow, profit; loss and the corporate balance sheet. We take a hands-on approach to helping you stabilize your business and identify new opportunities to make sustainable changes to your strategy, operations and finances. 

Sometimes, sadly, nothing can be done to resurrect a failing business that has run out of cash. As a last resort, we can ensure stakeholders are fully informed and advise them of the most appropriate option to increase recoveries.

Real results, achieved by integrated specialists.

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