Local Tax Services

Local Tax Services

With its experience and expertise, Samjong KPMG’s professional team helps its member firms’ clients through customized local tax services.

With its experience and expertise, Samjong KPMG’s professional team helps its member...

In response to the trends of gradual scaling up of local tax revenues and focusing on income taxation system, KPMG TAX has organized the “Samjong KPMG Local Tax Team”, which has been assisting to resolve the difficulties encountered by local tax payers.

Samjong KPMG Local Tax Team is furnishing diverse & bespoke local tax advisory services backed with a deep understanding of the relevant local taxation rules and a wide ranging network of local self-governing bodies.


Local Tax Compliance Services

Local tax payers’ risk has increased due to the rising number of new provisions of local taxations (such as local income tax, etc.), which has increased the scale of requirements that tax payers need to compute and input when filing their own taxes, exposing them to greater tax risk. Samjong KPMG Local Tax Team supports the accurate filing of taxes of local tax returns, and helps to pre-emptively resolve possible overpayment or erroneous payments.


Advice for Local Tax Advantage

A high degree of local tax expertise is needed in transactions and acts of tax payers due to the significant presence of ambiguity in tax requisition.

Samjong KPMG Local Tax Team provides local tax advice related to the process of restructuring, inheritance & gift, real estate developments and business income.


Local Tax Refund Claim Assistance

Samjong KPMG Local Tax Team assists clients in identifying whether or not any over-paid tax has occurred, and provides support for efficient tax refund claims through the systematic analysis of tax payers’ tax payments by self-assessment and interpretation of the relevant rules & regulations.


Local Tax Audit Assistance (Local Tax Audit Defense)

Due to the increasing complexity and scale of local taxation rules & regulations, the assistance of local tax experts becomes more essential in local tax audits. Samjong KPMG Local Tax Team provides systematic support for tax audit with various experts who possess a broad understanding of the relevant rules & regulations.


Local Tax Appeal Assistance

The possibility of tax conflict or disputes are rising due to the increasing ambiguity in the relevant rules & regulations, along with the increasing scale of transactions. Samjong KPMG Local Tax Team supports to develop comprehensive rationale for local tax appeal with various experts with broad experience and understanding. 


Local Tax Ruling Request Assistance, etc.

Samjong KPMG Local Tax Team provides assistance for various local tax related advisory services, including local tax ruling requests.   

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