In the context of globalization and the impact of the Industrial Revolution 4.0, the demand for financial services such as accounting and auditing is constantly increasing, bringing countless opportunities for financial professionals. Auditors are well-trained and equipped personnel with the necessary skills, knowledge and qualities, therefore, the opportunities for development are immense.

However, auditing is among professions with the greatest work pressure and a massive workload, which requires many skills and qualities to handle. Sometimes, dedicated auditors are inclined to work day and night to keep up with such workload. Therefore, despite realizing the opportunity for success and the values that one can contribute to the economy and to the community, many auditors still give up on their dreams from the very first days.

Auditor Proud Day 2021

On the 30th anniversary of independent auditing, KPMG Vietnam and ACCA in collaboration with the Vietnam Association of Certified Public Accountants - VACPA organize a special program for auditors named "Auditor Proud Day 2021". The event aims to recognize and honor the positive contributions and influence of auditors to the development of their profession and the society. This is also an opportunity for all colleagues who have been and will be pursuing auditing to show pride in this challenging profession.

Audit Proud Panel Discussion

An open discussion which will include leading experts in the field of Finance and Personal Development, on the topic of "Passion, Purpose and Persistence" will help to convey meaningful and inspirational messages on how to pursue one’s career ambitions and to succeed in the life choices we make. This exciting program will be livestreamed on KPMG Vietnam and ACCA Facebook Fan Pages.

10.00 – 10.20 Welcoming audiences KPMG & ACCA
10.20 – 10.25 Opening remarks from the Ministry of Finance Representative of the Ministry of Finance
10.25 – 10.30 Opening remarks from the British Consul General Mrs. Emily Hamblin
10.30 – 11.30

Discussion on the topic: "Passion, Purpose and Persistence"


- Ms. Thai Van Linh – Founder and CEO of TVL Group

- Mr. Kevin Tung – Founder and CEO of Jobhop Asia

- Ms. Nguyen Thuy Minh Chau – Director of ACCA Mekong Region

- Mr. Kwang Puay Chong – Partner, Head of Audit of KPMG in Vietnam

11.30 – 11.50 Showcase and Present awards to 03 Best Video clips KPMG & ACCA
11.50 – 12.00 Closing KPMG & ACCA

“Be Auditor, Be Proud” social media contest

Who can join                   : Auditors in Vietnam & Cambodia. Family members and friends of auditors, auditor alumni, audit lovers/to-be-auditor are also welcome.

Submission Duration    : Jun 11th  to Jul 16th, 2021

Award Day                       : TBC


Winner: 500 USD

1st runner-up: 250 USD

2nd runner-up: 150 USD


*The Winner, 1st runner-up and 2nd runner-up prize will be selected by ACCA and KPMG Vietnam.


Best Engagement: 150 USD

* This prize will be selected by the highest engagement on (likes, shares and comments)


How to participate:

  1. Social platform to post: Facebook
  2. Record a video from 1-2 minutes demonstrating your auditor life, and why you want to become/are proud to become an auditor. At the end of the video, say out loud: “I AM/WE ARE PROUD TO BE AUDITOR(S)” Or “AUDIT IS COOL”. Family members and friends of auditors are also encouraged to participate in the video and the contest.
  3. Post the video on your Facebook with the hashtag: #AuditIsCool #ProudtobeAuditor
  4. Invite your family members, friends and networks to react and share.


Terms and Conditions:

  • Single or team participants are accepted. Participants are encouraged to form team/group. Family members and friends of auditors are encouraged to join.
  • Using tactics or third parties to hack/increase engagement is strictly prohibited.
  • Auditor Proud Day 2021 organizing team has all rights to amend the contest’s terms and condition, select the winners or withdraw the prizes due to violation. 

Auditor Proud Day 2021
