Uganda Office

Uganda Office

KPMG IDAS practice

KPMG IDAS practice

KPMG East Africa’s regional expansion came in 1995 with the setting up of offices in Dar-es-Salaam and Kampala. The Uganda firm serves over 180 clients and more than 150 professional and support staff providing the full range of services across our major service lines of: Audit, Information risk management, Public sector reform and privatization and Aid and development. KPMG’s practice in Uganda provides the full range of IDAS services, including project design, managing competitions, risk and compliance, fund management and impact evaluation and reporting.This includes services and standard approaches that are tailored to meet both the international standards and circumstances specific to Uganda. The firm is therefore well placed to carry out any assignment, given its experience and presence in the region and more so in the Ugandan economy.

The IDAS practice has robust experience in Uganda, having managed a number of projects over the years, including: the Norway-funded Uganda Power Sector Project, which worked with the Rural Electrification Agency (REA); the Uganda Electricity Transmission Company Limited (UETCL); The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development; the Norwegian Embassy in Kampala and individual consultants engaged by both REA and UETCL. Other programmes include the DFID-funded Financial Services Inclusion Programme (FSIP) Uganda, the Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund, and the Food Market Eastern Africa.

Through their Ugandan office and team, KPMG maximises local content and manages day-to-day operations efficiently, delivering low set up and running costs. The Ugandan team also leverages international expertise from the IDAS Centre of Excellence in Nairobi and seeks additional technical input and advice from other operations where required when implementing programming.  

© 2024 KPMG Advisory Services Limited, a Kenyan Limited Liability Company and a member firm ofthe KPMG global organization of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG InternationalLimited, a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved. For more detail about the structure of the KPMG global organization please visit

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