Agribusiness Sector

Agribusiness Sector

No other sector has the potential to achieve broad-based economic transformation than agriculture. We are supporting innovations that contribute to the development of inclusive agribusiness and increase productivity and incomes for smallholder farmers, contributing to reduced hunger and poverty in Africa.

While the continent has made great strides in improving productivity, much remains to be done. In many countries, agriculture is at a subsistence level: underdeveloped due to a complex web of inter-related challenges ranging from low productivity, climate change, a weak enabling environment, lack of access to markets, high malnutrition and weak agricultural practices.

Improving the lives of smallholder farmers in Africa is at the centre of our work in agribusiness. We do this by designing and managing funds aimed at increasing investments by the private sector into the agricultural sector, increasing the participation of smallholder farmers in agricultural value chains and the financial sector and strengthening their ability to address challenges related to climate change. We can design and implement agricultural market systems programs and provide impact measurement services.

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