Andrew Nekuse

Director, KPMG IDAS Rwanda

KPMG East Africa

Based in Rwanda, Andrew Nekuse oversees delivery of our international development advisory service offering in the country. He has 15 years’ experience delivering audit and advisory solutions to clients in the telecommunications sector, international development agencies and government. He spent seven years providing audit services to our clients in Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi.

Over the past eight years, Andrew has delivered training and capacity building programmes to strengthen capacity of the office and staff of the Auditor General’s Office in Rwanda, as part of the initiatives to strengthen public financial management in Rwanda. This has improved the capacity of the Office of Auditor General of Rwanda to conduct various audits independently in accordance with professional auditing standards.

He has been involved in strengthening staff training and development programmes; developing and implementing audit manuals to guide audits; strengthening of quality assurance processes for audits; and participating in design and implementation of a robust staff development and performance management system for the Office of Auditor General Rwanda.

Andrew understands the structure of government operations and has been involved in the review of treasury operations; assessment of revenue collection systems and controls at the National Revenue Authority and at local government level; financial, compliance and value for money audits of government expenditure. Through these reviews and audits, Andrew has worked with the Auditor General’s office to advise government entities in Rwanda to strengthen corporate governance, improve their risk management procedures, strengthen their compliance with laws, regulations and funding agreements, and to improve their financial management processes and internal controls, to enhance value for money for funds provided to implement government and donor- funded programmes.  

  • African Union
  • Financial Management
  • International Markets
  • Bachelor of Statistics (B.STAT), Makerere University

  • Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA).

  • Member of Institute Certified Public Accountants of Rwanda.

  • Current: Director, Public Financial Management and technical assistance KPMG IDAS

  • Team Leader, Technical Assistance and capacity building support to Office of Auditor General Rwanda, KPMG IDAS

  • Advisory Manager, KPMG IDAS

  • Audit Manager, KPMG Uganda

  • Audit Senior, KPMG Uganda