KPMGコンサルティング、京都市×Hi-Rez Studios社による日本市場進出とSDGsへの貢献を支援するためのプロジェクトを開始

米国ゲーム会社のHi-Rez Studios社と京都市が連携した社会課題解決に向けたプロジェクトについて支援しました。

米国ゲーム会社のHi-Rez Studios社と京都市が連携した社会課題解決に向けたプロジェクトについて支援しました。

KPMGコンサルティング株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長 兼 CEO:宮原 正弘、以下、KPMGコンサルティング)は、米国ゲーム会社Hi-Rez Studios社(本社:アトランタ、CEO:Stewart Chisam、以下、Hi-Rez)の新作シューティングゲーム「Rogue Company」と京都市とのコラボレーションを実現させ、新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)により観光客が減少している京都の魅力発信や、ゲーム内収益の一部を京都の有する自然・景観・文化を守り、育てるための取組みに還元するスキームの確立など、双方の社会的価値を最大化するプロジェクトを開始しました。海外ゲーム会社と日本の自治体が連携し、ゲームの魅力を高め、社会課題解決に寄与するプロジェクトは、国内で初めての取組みです。


Hi-Rezは、マルチプラットフォーム、無料プレイ、Games as a Service(GaaS)を企画・開発するゲームデベロッパー兼パブリッシャーであり、同社が開発したゲームのユーザー数は世界中で9,000万人を超えます。今回の新作ゲーム「Rogue Company」は、2020年9月にオープンベータ版がスタートしたチーム対戦型シューティングゲームで、北米・欧州を中心に世界で2,000万以上のユーザー数を誇ります。同社はこれまでも日本を有力な市場の1つとして捉えており、日本市場におけるBtoB事業の強化を模索していました。


そのような状況を受け、KPMGコンサルティングは両者の想いを一致させるため、京都をテーマにしたマップやアイテムを取り入れた「Rogue Company」シーズン3「Kyoto Job」の製作を提案し、両者のコラボレーションおよび社会的価値を最大化する企画の立案、PMO(Project Management Office)による実行を支援しました。 今回のコラボレーションにより、Hi-Rezはシーズン3のコンテンツ強化だけではなく、収益の一部を京都の有する自然・景観・文化を守り、育てるための取組みに寄付することで、SDGsへの貢献を全世界に発信することができます。一方で京都市は、ゲームを通じた京都の魅力発信、国内外の京都ファンのエンゲージメント強化、デジタルを活用した新しい収益源獲得にチャレンジすることができ、双方にとってメリットのある取組みとなっています。






KPMG Consulting facilitates collaboration involving Kyoto City Helping Hi-Rez Studios enter the Japanese market and contribute to the SDGs

KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan; President and CEO: Masahiro Miyahara ; hereafter, “KPMG Consulting”) has realized the collaboration between Kyoto City and US game company Hi-Rez Studios (Headquarters: Atlanta, GA, USA; CEO: Stewart Chisam; hereafter, “Hi-Rez”) through the latter’s new shooting game, “Rogue Company” and has commenced several initiatives to promote the appeal of Kyoto, which has seen a decline in the number of tourists due to the COVID-19, and implement a scheme to redirect part of the in-game revenue to the efforts to protect and nurture Kyoto’s nature, landscape, and culture—hence this project for maximizing both parties’ social value. This is the first such project in Japan involving collaboration between an overseas game company and a Japanese local government to enhance the appeal of video games and contribute to solving social issues.

The Japanese game market is the third largest in the world; the demand for nesting following the spread of COVID-19 has impacted its size, which crossed 2 trillion yen in 2020, making it a more attractive market for overseas game companies. However, Japan’s unique consumer tastes and business customs persist as obstacles for such companies looking to enter the Japanese market. In addition, strengthening the B to B business as a new source of revenue against soaring game development costs is another challenge.

Hi-Rez is a game developer and publisher that provides Games as a service that are multi-platform and free to play. Hi-Rez’s games are played by more than 90 million users worldwide. “Rogue Company” is a team-based shooting game whose open beta version was made available in September 2020; it now boasts more than 20 million users worldwide, mainly in North America and Europe. Hi-Rez, always having considered Japan as a leading market, has been looking to strengthen its B to B business therein.

Kyoto, one of the world’s top tourist cities, has been battling an unprecedented crisis after being forced to suspend traditional events due to the spread of COVID-19 and registering a sharp decline in the number of tourists. The local economy, including sightseeing-related industries and bearers of culture and tradition, has been seriously affected. To enable its strong recovery from this crisis and a new way for it to respond to the post-pandemic situation, Kyoto has been engaged in formulating new tourism measures and adopting attractiveness dissemination methods utilizing digital technology, besides learning ways to secure new financial resources to protect and nurture its nature, landscape, and culture.

Considering this situation, KPMG Consulting, to match the ideas of both parties, proposed the production of Season 3 of “Rogue Company”—“The Kyoto Job,” which incorporates Kyoto-themed maps and items—and planned their collaboration as well as the project to maximize their social value, supporting its execution through the Project Management Office (PMO). On the one hand, this collaboration will enable Hi-Rez to not only strengthen the Season 3 content but also donate part of the revenue to the efforts to protect and nurture Kyoto’s nature, landscape, and culture, thus propagating its contribution to the SDGs worldwide; on the other, Kyoto City will be able to take on the challenge of disseminating its appeal through games, strengthening the engagement of Kyoto fans in Japan and overseas, and acquiring new revenue sources using digital technology. This project is, thus, a mutually beneficial undertaking.

This project is Japan’s first attempt to engage in virtual PR of the region by providing the IP of Nijo Castle, a representative tourism resource of Kyoto, and reproducing it as the stage of the game.

【Project overview (Roles and targets of stakeholders)】


About KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd.

KPMG Consulting, a member firm of KPMG International, is a consulting firm that provides services in the three fields; business transformation, technology, and risk and compliance. We have consultants well experienced-in strategy, BPR, HR / organization, PMO, outsourcing, governance/risk/compliance, IT, etc. Also, we provide a wide range of consulting services for industries such as finance, insurance, manufacturing, automobiles, pharmaceutical/healthcare, energy, telecommunications/media, services, and public sector industries.
