


KPMGコンサルティング株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長兼CEO:宮原 正弘、以下、KPMGコンサルティング)は、AI(人工知能)技術を活用した組織間の情報流通活性化を支援する情報連携高度化AIソリューションの提供を開始しました。


KPMGコンサルティングは、企業が持つ報告書や論文などの非構造化データをAIにより統合・分析し、組織内外の情報を横断的かつ体系的に可視化するAIソリューションを開発しました。本ソリューションは、業務の過程で発生する自然言語で記述されたあらゆる文書をAIが解釈し、関連性分析・サマライズ・分類分け・可視化を容易に実現するものです【図参照】。進捗・課題発生の状況の把握、他組織での類似業務有無の把握、法規制情報の把握などを効率的・網羅的に把握することが可能となり、企業内の情報流通・コミュニケーションを活性化させることで、組織のサイロ化状態を破壊し企業全体の生産性向上・組織力強化を実現します。 機械学習・深層学習といった分析系の機能から可視化機能まで全てオープンソースを利用して構築し、データ形式による制限や、可視化画像などの制約、AIのブラックボックス化といったAIソリューションに多く見られる制約を受けず、各企業の業務課題に即した要件の追加や効果検証、導入を迅速に行うことが可能です。


  • 研究:研究開発プロジェクトの重複 国内R&D部門と海外R&D部門での研究内容の重複、システム開発部門と先端技術研究チームで同様のアルゴリズム研究のプロジェクトが存在する等の課題に対し、社内文書・担当者情報を可視化することで、類似する研究とその担当者を事前に把握し、研究開発プロジェクトが重複することによるコスト増を防ぎます。
  • 調達:社内間での発注価格差の発生 事業部・拠点ごとに発注先を選定することにより、同一部品にも関わらず部門間での価格差が生じる等の課題に対し、事業部・拠点横断で発注状況と経緯を把握することで、発注先・価格交渉を最適化し、調達コストの低減に寄与します。
  • 生産:トラブル解決の長期化 現場トラブル発生時の解決の長期化や組織課題が把握しづらい等の課題に対し、トラブル発生時にシステムログやアラートの文字列から対応履歴を検索し、過去に対応したことのある人物や解決策を参照することで、過去のトラブル履歴や有識者への迅速なアクセスを可能にし、トラブル解決のリードタイムを短縮します。
  • 販売:営業先の競合 営業拠点ごとに個別にクライアントにアプローチすることによる社内競合の発生に対し、各営業所に存在する営業日報より、顧客管理情報を一元化し全拠点で共有することで、社内競合の防止につなげます。
  • サービス:クレームの傾向・本質理解の難航、問い合わせ先の管轄が不明瞭 自然文で記載されたクレーム情報を分類し、重要度を算出することで課題の本質を把握するほか、過去事例から、類似の問い合わせおよびその担当者情報を参照することにより、顧客への回答時間を短縮します。






KPMGコンサルティングではこれまで、AIやMixed Reality(複合現実)といった先端技術を活用し、人事業務の高度化や設計開発製造現場の効率化と品質向上などに取り組んできました。今後も、デジタルテクノロジーや先端技術を活用して企業のビジネストランスフォーメーション(事業変革)の推進を支援していきます。




KPMG Consulting Launches AI Solution for Upgrading Information Coordination that Supports the Activation of Information Distribution Among Organizations

KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd. (headquartered in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan; Masahiro Miyahara, President and CEO; hereinafter “KPMG Consulting”)  has launched Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution for upgrading information coordination that supports the activation of information distribution among organizations.

Work style has been significantly changing because of the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, and business operations have shifted to distributed environment with many companies adopting remote work and many people working from home. Therefore, reinforcing coordination of fragmented and decentralized organizations is a critical factor for maintaining the competitiveness of companies going forward. Even at production sites or R&D sites where operations are executed in a format in which a large number of employees come to office, organizations are becoming siloed because of cultural and site gaps by operational function, different systems, and data retention format. In every line of business, cross-organizational coordination, grasp of related parties, nonoverlapping execution of business, and unified measures are emerging as issues, and the entire enterprise’s productivity improvement is now being required.

KPMG Consulting integrated and analyzed unstructured data, such as reports and research papers companies have, and developed AI solution that cross-sectionally and systematically visualizes information inside and outside of organizations. What this solution does is that AI interprets all the documents described in natural language that is generated in the course of operations and easily enables relevance analysis/summarization/classification/visualization (see the chart). It will enable efficient and comprehensive grasps of, for example, status of progress/problem emergence, whether or not there are similar operations at other organizations, and information on legislation. Thus, siloed organizations will be destroyed, and the enterprise’s productivity improvement and reinforced organizations will be achieved by vitalizing internal information distribution/communications.

The following is also possible: You can establish such functions from analytical functions, including machine learning/deep learning to visualization function using all open sources. You can also quickly add requirements in line with businessissues of each company, verify effects, and make installation without being subjected to restrictions due to data format, constraints of visualized images, and such constraints are common in AI solutions with the Black Box problem.

【Chart】 Structural Image of AI Solution for Upgrading Information Coordination


The use of this solution enables helping solve the issues mentioned below that are often found at sites of research, procurement, production, sales, and service divisions.

  • Research: Overlapping of R&D projects Against issues including overlapping of researchesbetween domestic and overseas R&D divisions, whether or not there exists a project of a similar algorithm research among system development divisions and advanced technology research teams, grasp the information of similar researches and the researchers in advance to prevent a cost increase due to overlapping of R&D projects through visualization of internal documents and information.
  • Procurement: Internal generation of price gap of the order Against issues including generation of cross-divisional price gap despite the same parts by selecting a vendor by business division/site, optimize price negotiation with vendors and contribute to a reduction in procurement costs by understanding a status of placing orders and background in a cross-divisional/site manner.
  • Production: Protracted troubleshooting Against issues including protracted troubleshooting at the occurrence of troubles onsite and difficulty in understanding organizational issues, enable a quick access to the past trouble history and experts by searching the response history from system logs and alert text data at the occurrence of troubles and referring to persons who have responded in the past and existing solutions and shorten the lead time for troubleshooting.
  • Sales: Competing for customers Against generation of internal competition by each sales site separately approaching clients, centralize customer management information from sales daily reports that exist at each sales site and lead to prevent internal competition by sharing centralized customer management information at all the sites.
  • Service: Difficulty in understanding complaint trends/essential issues and unclear jurisdiction of inquiry Understand the essential issues by classifying complaints’ information written in natural language and computing the degree of importance. In addition, shorten response time for customers by referring to similar inquiries and the person in-charge from past examples.

Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc.’s Research & Development Department and a semiconductor company are implementing PoC with this solution and proceeding with verification for full-scale application.

Application example at Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc.’s Research & Development Department

The Research Institute collects and accumulates the past regional response history, uses the expertise from the response history, or analyzes minutes, etc. of the government’s council board meetings and municipality meetings. The Research Institute also uses them to identify topics that have impacts over the company’s operations. For the future, the speed/quality of the overall regional response operation will be increased with the regional response history centrally managed and internally shared. Moreover, the Research Institute aims to promptly understand impacts on the company’s operations without omission and increase the speed/quality of decision-making.

Application example at a semiconductor maker

The semiconductor company analyzes weekly reports at the production and technical division and identifies reports/experts relating to topics the company would like to look into. Managers confirm operation progress and status of problem occurrence from analysis results of reports written by department members and use them to identify topics he/she should respond to on a priority basis. The company aims to reduce the number of work hours to address issues, increase the speed of R&D/the overall production and technological development, promptly identify topics the organization focuses on, and increase the speed of decision-making, such as resource allocation.

So far, KPMG Consulting has been working on enhanced operation of human resource, efficiency and quality improvement of design/development/production process using cutting-edge technologies such as AI and Mixed Reality. KPMG Consulting will continuously support cilent companies with their business transformation using advanced digital technologies.

About KPMG Consulting

KPMG Consulting, a member firm of KPMG International Cooperative, is a consulting firm that provides services in three areas: business transformation, technology, and risk and compliance. Consultants well-experienced in strategy, BPR, HR/organization, PMO, outsourcing, governance/risk/compliance, and IT provide extensive services to financial, insurance, manufacturing, automobile, pharmaceutical, health care, energy, telecommunications, media, service, and public sector industries.
