KPMG税理士法人、「Japan Tax Disputes & Litigation Firm of the Year」を受賞

Asia Tax Awards 2019において「Japan Tax Disputes & Litigation Firm of the Year」賞を受賞しました。

Asia Tax Awards 2019において「Japan Tax Disputes & Litigation Firm of the Year」賞を受賞しました。

Japan Tax Disputes & Litigation Firm of the Year

International Tax Review誌は税務および移転価格に関するグローバルな専門誌であり、同誌が2006年から実施しているAsia Tax Awardsは、今回で9回目の開催となります(開催年は2006年~2010年、2016年~2019年)。

KPMG税理士法人は、2018年1月~12月の期間において、包括的で革新性があり、かつマーケットにインパクトを与える税務アドバイスを提供した実績が評価され、「Japan Tax Disputes & Litigation Firm of the Year」を受賞しました。これは、税法上の措置に不明瞭な点があるクロスボーダートランザクションにおいて、本邦および現地の税務当局との協議や税務調査に伴う支援をクライアントに提供したことなど、KPMG税理士法人の税務争訟アドバイザーとしての実績が高く評価されたことによるものです。

今回の受賞について、代表の駒木根 裕一は「KPMG税理士法人の幅広い経験や能力、およびこれまで築き上げた知見をもとにクライアントが直面する税務争訟において革新的なアドバイスを提供し、さらにはクロスボーダートランザクションにおける課税について明確な取扱いをマーケットに示せたことが高く評価されたことを非常に嬉しく思います。今後もクライアントのニーズを的確にとらえ、より付加価値の高い税務アドバイスの提供によってクライアントを支援してまいります。」とコメントしています。

KPMGのアジア太平洋地域におけるTaxグループは、この「Japan Tax Disputes & Litigation Firm of the Year」をはじめ、2019年新たに「Asia Tax Technology Firm of the Year」「Asia Tax Innovator of the Year」「Asia Indirect Tax Firm of the Year」「Asia Transfer Pricing Firm of the Year」を受賞するなど、選考対象となった税務および会計事務所などの中で最多となる23部門(2018年は21部門で最多受賞)での受賞となりました。

選考対象 アジア太平洋地域18の国・地域に所在する法律事務所、税務・会計事務所など
選考期間 2018年10月~12月
選考方法 各事務所から提出された優れた案件(2018年1月~12月に関与した案件)の情報に基づき、International Tax Review編集部員が各賞における最終候補者リストを取り纏め、域内の主要な税務担当幹部とのインタビューおよび協議の結果、規模・革新性・複雑性・影響力の側面から審査を行い、各賞の受賞者を決定



KPMG wins 2019 Japan Tax Disputes & Litigation Firm of the Year

We are proud to announce that International Tax Review (ITR) magazine has selected KPMG Tax Corporation (Minato-ku, Tokyo, Senior Partner: Yuichi Komakine) as the 2019 Japan Tax Disputes & Litigation Firm of the Year at the Asia Tax Awards. ITR is a global specialized journal on taxation and transfer pricing, and the Asia Tax Awards were held for the 9th time since 2006 this year (from 2006 to 2010, from 2016 to 2019).

The firm was recognized for providing tax advisory services to clients in relation to tax disputes. This also covers working with clients to get confirmation from the tax authorities on the tax treatment of transactions where the tax law is unclear, as well as assisting them in tax audits conducted by the Japanese tax authorities.

KPMG Tax Corporation’s Senior Partner Yuichi Komakine said, “I am honored that KPMG's extensive experience and ability, and the knowledge we have built up, enables us to provide innovative advice in tax disputes that clients face and to provide clarity to clients on how their transactions will be treated. We will continue our best to understand the client's needs and support them by providing higher value-added tax advice.”

KPMG's Tax group in the Asia Pacific region received a total of 23 regional and national awards (the most number of Asia awards), including Japan Tax Disputes & Litigation Firm of the year and new regional awards such as “Asia Tax Technology Firm of the Year”, “Asia Tax Innovator of the Year”, “Asia Indirect Tax Firm of the Year” and “Asia Transfer Pricing of the Year” (in 2018, KPMG won in 21 divisions).

Selection target Legal, Tax and Accounting firms located in 18 countries/areas in the Asia Pacific region
Selection period October to December 2018
Selection method Based on information on projects submitted by each firm (projects from January to December 2018), the ITR editorial staff compiled a list of final candidates for each prize. As a result of interviews and consultations with executives, submissions are reviewed from the aspect of size, innovation, complexity, and impact, and the winners of each award are determined.

About Us

As a member firm of KPMG International, KPMG Tax Corporation is one of the nation's largest tax firms, with approximately 700 staff based in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya and Hiroshima. A team of experts familiar with each specialized field provide support for various corporate activities (M&A, organization restructuring, overseas expansion, international taxation, transfer pricing, BEPS, customs/indirect tax and business succession, etc.). Our tax services include tax advice, tax return preparation, bookkeeping and payroll services etc. to Japanese companies as well as subsidiaries of foreign-affiliated companies operating in Japan.
