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KPMGコンサルティング株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役社長:宮原 正弘、以下:KPMGコンサルティング)はこのたび、eスポーツに参入する企業や大会を運営する団体に向けた「eSportsアドバイザリーサービス」の提供を開始しました。






出所:Newzoo社『Global Esports Market Report 2018』


  • ガバナンス構築支援
  • 先端テクノロジーを活用したビジネスモデルの構築支援
  • グローバルな視点に立ったマネジメント体制構築支援














KPMGジャパンは、KPMGインターナショナルの日本におけるメンバーファームの総称であり、監査、税務、アドバイザリーの3つの分野にわたる8つのプロフェッショナルファームによって構成されています。クライアントが抱える経営課題に対して、各分野のプロフェッショナルが専門的知識やスキルを活かして連携し、またKPMGのグローバルネットワークも活用しながら、価値あるサービスを提供しています。日本におけるメンバーファームは以下のとおりです。有限責任 あずさ監査法人、KPMG税理士法人、KPMGコンサルティング株式会社、株式会社KPMG FAS、KPMGあずさサステナビリティ株式会社、KPMGヘルスケアジャパン株式会社、KPMG社会保険労務士法人、株式会社 KPMG Ignition Tokyo



KPMG Consulting started offering Esports Advisory service

KPMG Consulting Co., Ltd. (Headquarters: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Masahiro Miyahara; hereinafter “KPMG Consulting”) has begun offering an esports advisory service for companies seeking to enter the esports market and organizations looking to operate esports competitions. 

“Esports” refers to competitive video gaming matches and recently the worldwide popularity of esports has increased drastically, especially in countries like the United States, South Korea, and China. It has been gaining rapid recognition here in Japan as well. The global esports market is projected to be worth approximately 900 million USD in 2018 (38% increase from the previous year), and it is expected to grow to 1.4 billion USD in 2020*. 

As esports is being considered as an official medaled sports at future Olympic events, fairness and credibility will become crucial as well as the global standpoint to promote and develop esports in hands with other Olympic events. In addition, advanced technology, which serves as an important enabler of the esports business model, will also be progressing at a faster pace in the future.

Esports in Japan has the potential to develop as a new sports industry, including the entry of new enterprises, the formation of professional players and teams, and the holding of tournaments. In order to successfully maintain a sustainable esports business, however, it takes more than to ensure the transparency of teams and tournament managers, to understand the competition, and to cooperate with foreign organizations. Companies and organizations that operate team business, for instance, must maintain their fairness and credibility because handling expensive prizes and broadcasting rights is likely to have great economic impacts to the esports stakeholders involved.

Utilizing the extensive professional experience and knowledge in the field of management and risk consulting, KPMG Consulting provides specialized advisory service towards enterprises interested in entering the esports market to support the development of governance, the creation of a business model utilizing advanced technology, and the design of a management system from a global point of view.


*Source: Newzoo, Global Esports Market Report 2018

Esports Advisory Service Main Offerings

  • Corporate governance development support
  • Advanced technology-based business model formulation support
  • Globally-structured talent management design support


KPMG Japan has developed a deep understanding of the challenges present in the sports industry through its years of experience in providing advisory services to multiple sports organizations through KPMG Japan’s auditing firm KPMG AZSA LLC. By partnering with KPMG AZSA LLC, KMPG Consulting applies this expertise to facilitate the development of the budding eSports market. 


Corporate governance development supportAs Japanese esports evolves and gains acceptance, it is vital that organizers implement governance structures that prevent fraudulent organizational activity, such as the improper appropriation of capital by relevant parties. In addition to drawing from our experience in developing governance structures for existing sports organizations, KPMG offers extensive governance support utilizing governance examinations, frameworks, and methodologies of KPMG’s risk consulting service.


Advanced technology-based business model formulation supportEsports matches are played using a wide variety of titles, including those that utilize advanced VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality) technologies. It is necessary for organizers to understand these underlying technologies. Additionally, as the Japanese esports market grows, new business models will be needed to match that growth. KPMG’s professionals have the experience and skillsets needed to apply cutting-edge technologies such as AI (artificial intelligence) and MR (mixed reality) to existing business frameworks. Using these improved frameworks for esports can assist the creation of both novel and practical business models in addition to groundbreaking novel competition formats.


Globally-structured talent management design supportEsports differs from conventional sports in that matches are played online, making it possible for professional esports athletes to remain in Japan while competing internationally. Furthermore, spectators can watch esports matches over the internet, enabling access to competitions at any time from any location. This globally-interconnected new structure of esports requires both professional players and participating organizations to adapt to the international business environment. KPMG Consulting supports to design a globally-minded management structure that employs the necessary examination frameworks and methodologies to help client organizations to rapidly and efficiently adapt to the global environment.

KPMG Consulting will increase the number of people who engage in its esports advisory service to 15 by 2020 and aims to achieve 500 million JPY in sales.

Additionally, KPMG Consulting will start a joint research initiative alongside educational institutions with the goal of developing the next generation of management talent in the autumn of 2018. 

About KPMG Japan

KPMG Japan represents a group of eight KPMG member firms, providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services in Japan. We are committed to providing high-quality and value-added services to meet our clients’ complex management needs through the seamless collaboration and enhancement of our professionals'expertise and knowledge as well as our global KPMG network.

About KPMG Consulting

KPMG Consulting, a member firm of KPMG International Cooperative, is a consulting firm that provides services in three areas: business transformation, technology, and risk and compliance. Consultants well-experienced in strategy, BPR, HR/organization, PMO, outsourcing, governance/risk/compliance, and IT provide extensive services to financial, insurance, manufacturing, automobile, pharmaceutical, health care, energy, telecommunications, media, service, and public sector industries.
