KPMG Sustainable Value Services Japan issued a survey report on corporate reports issued by Nikkei 225 companies.

This is the 9th report after KPMG Japan issued its first report in 2014. We surveyed reported contents regarding corporate value creation in the Securities reports, the Integrated reports, as well as the Sustainability reporting (including sustainability reports and pages related to sustainability on corporate websites) of Nikkei 225 companies. Then a comparative analysis was made between these three reports and against the results of previous years.

In this 9th survey, we focused on “Materiality”. The concept of “Materiality” is the foundation when managing a company to create sustainable value based on a company’s own purpose, and what companies identified as material forms the core of management decision-making. This is why reporting what companies deem material and the reasons is meaningful, and leads to the fulfilment of accountability.

In addition, we also looked at key points regarding how Japan’s corporate reports, including both sustainability information and financial information, are meeting the expectations of overseas and domestic investors, and how companies are adapting to advances in reporting to be more useful in investor decision-making. These points included speeding up the timing of the disclosure of sustainability information, third-party assurance for improving credibility of information, and English language disclosure. We also looked at issues which will be discussed in greater detail in the future, such as climate change, human capital and diversity, so that we can examine changes over the next few years.


  1. About the survey
  2. Key recommendations
  3. Materiality
  4. Next steps for adapting to advances in reporting i.Timing of reporting sustainability information ii.Improving the credibility of sustainability information iii.Disclosure in English
  5. Thematic Survey i.Climate change-related information ii.Human capital and diversity iii.Sustainability Topics
  6. Survey of integrated report i.About the Issuing Companies ii.About the Integrated Reports


KPMG Sustainable Value Services Japan

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