Internal Audit Technology Enablement

Intelligent use of technology allows Internal Audit to boost coverage and insights, while driving efficiency gains across existing activities.

Intelligent use of technology allows Internal Audit to boost coverage and insights ...


The burden of expectations on Internal Audit departments has risen. Traditional responsibilities such as time-intensive compliance reviews and Sarbanes-Oxley testing remain integral. At the same time, they are now expected to be an supportive advisors to businesses navigating rapid change, providing deep insights over an ever wider remit.

Without an increase in budgets to match, this in turn places pressure on budgets and figuring out how to do more with less. In this thought leadership we will help you understand the different ways that leading Internal Audit departments are meeting these demands:

  • Reduce effort on low value-added activities such as repetitive control testing, compliance monitoring, and project management activities
  • Standardize and automate high value-added activities including ongoing continuous auditing / monitoring processes that can detect fraud and duplicate payments
  • Build and deploy specific advanced solutions that offer unique insights through the use of external data sources, cognitive services, and predictive analytics

The comprehensive use of technology significantly benefits the multiples roles of the modern internal auditor by reducing the cost of compliance and allowing experienced internal auditors to spend more time identifying and eliminating complex risks. KPMG in Japan has a mutli-disciplinary team with deep experience and expertise that can support you with identifying and implementing the right technology for your internal audit needs.