KPMG Global Tax Principles

Our Principles for a Responsible Tax Practice.

Our Principles for a Responsible Tax Practice.

Our Principles for a Responsible Tax Practice bring to life KPMG’s values and our Global Code of Conduct in a way that is meaningful for the every day situations we face as tax professionals.

  1. We act lawfully and with integrity and expect the same from our people, our firms' clients, tax authorities and other parties with whom we interact. Above all else, in every respect our work shall be fully compliant with relevant legal, regulatory and professional requirements.
  2. We are committed to providing clients with high quality tax advice tailored to their particular circumstances.
  3. We shall explain clearly and objectively to our clients the technical merits and the sustainability of any tax advice we give.
  4. Whenever relevant and practical to assess, we may discuss with clients any likely impact of any tax advice we give on relevant communities and stakeholders and any potential reputational risk.
  5. We shall make recommendations to clients only where: i. we consider, at least on the balance of probabilities, that the relevant interpretation of law is correct; or ii. it otherwise clearly meets the applicable local professional standards.
  6. We shall only advise clients to enter into, or assist them to implement, transactions or arrangements on the basis that they have any substance required by law, as well as any business, commercial or other non-tax purpose required by law.
  7. We shall not advise clients to enter into transactions with the purpose of securing a tax advantage clearly and unambiguously contrary to the relevant legislation and shall not assist them to implement such transactions. If, in our view, the language of the legislation is uncertain, we shall consider the intention of the relevant legislators when advising clients.
  8. We support a relationship with tax authorities aimed at building mutual trust and respect which will enable constructive dialogue and responsiveness by all parties, facilitate compliance and reduce or assist in early resolution of disputes.
  9. We shall comply with all our disclosure requirements and advise our clients to do the same.
  10. When advising clients on entering into transactions we shall do so on the understanding that all material facts will be known to the tax authorities.

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