KPMG Ignition Tokyo is setting up a hotline (please see below for details) to collect information regarding activities related to our business that violate or may violate laws, widely from within and outside the company.

Information gathered through this hotline will be utilized to enhance the quality of our businesses.

When providing information, please keep the following points in mind:

  • Please refrain from providing abusive information or intentionally making false reports.
  • We will investigate the information provided as necessary and take action accordingly. However, please note that, as a rule, we will not respond individually regarding the provided information.
  • Personal information of the information provider will be tightly controlled according to laws and regulations and internal regulations at each contact point.

KPMG Ignition Tokyo Internal Hotline

Contact person: Person in charge of Hotline

(Information is received only via email) Exclusive hotline email address:

Vasco da Gama Law Offices

Contact persons: Shingo Okubo (Lawyer) Yuko Kaneko (Lawyer)

(Information is received only via phone and email)

Phone (Operating hours: 9:30 – 17:30 on weekdays): Japanese & English: 03-3505-3581

Exclusive email address:

KPMG International Hotline

For those who wish to submit a report to the KPMG International hotline, please click here.

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