AZSA Quality 2022/23 (Report on audit quality)

Intended to deepen reader’s understanding of the current state of our audit quality by describing the initiatives underway to enhance audit quality.

Intended to deepen reader’s understanding of the current state of our audit quality by ...

AZSA Quality introduces our recent efforts regarding quality control that serves as the basis for KPMG AZSA's Audit Quality, governance structure and policies of human resource development.

Our Initiatives for Audit Quality Viewed through AQI Message from Our CEO Why We Publish AZSA Quality

Chapter I Our Value CreationOur Audit Value Creation Story Communication with Stakeholders Message from Senior Executive Board Member (Chief Operating Officer)

Chapter II Sustainable Value Creation Strategy 1. Digitalization of Society and Audit Transformation 2. Problem-solving in Global Society 3. Contributions to the Realization of a Sustainable Society

Chapter III Value Creation Foundation 1) Organizational Foundation 2) Quality Control 3) Talent

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