Independent, quality financial statement audits

Independent financial statements audits enhance the reliability of the information provided by companies to investors, creditors and other stakeholders. A KPMG Audit provides both independent assurance and insight that goes beyond the audit opinion.

Our risk-oriented audit approach is based on a comprehensive understanding of the business activities of our clients, of the resultant business risks, and their implications for the annual financial statements and the management report. This approach includes an assessment of the internal control system. We provide the management and supervisory body of the company with an extensive report on the findings of our audit.

The audit and assurance landscape is changing. Regulatory requirements, coupled with increased stakeholder demands for greater transparency are putting more pressure on organisations. As a result, the issue of audit and assurance is high on the agenda for many boards Our audit teams consist of experts with a significant array of domestic and overseas accounting and auditing practices, enabling us to respond quickly to revisions of accounting systems and laws.

In KPMG Jordan, we believe in the concept of Innovation, which help us in responding to the unprecedented challenges and opportunities we face as auditors. Core to our mission is acknowledging the responsibility we have as auditors to society and the capital markets. Innovations that lead to enhanced audit quality