KPMG’s Corporate Tax, M&A Tax and Deal Advisory group offers a wide range of advisory services in the following key fields

Tax advisory services for all main tax types, as well as sector specific tax advisory (e.g. energy suppliers’ surtax, advertising tax, etc.), local taxes and duties.

Assistance in relation to acquisition procedures, such as:

  • tax due diligence at the target company in order to identify and quantify potential and undisclosed tax risks,
  • recommendations as to the treatment of identified tax risks during acquisition processes,
  • reviewing and commenting on contracts and legal documents prepared in relation to those transactions from a tax point of view;
  • analysis of the potential tax implications of envisaged transactions, assistance during the planning and implementation of tax effective structures, considering the aims of the investor;

Complex tax advisory services covering the planning and implementation of tax efficient internal or intra-group restructurings (e.g. share for share, merger, demerger, business unit transfer, asset transfer, etc.), as well as setting up structures (holding structures, financial structures);

Support Clients throughout the whole procedure of tax investigations initiated by either the state and/or the municipal tax authorities, with the involvement of other, specialized groups within KPMG’s Tax Department or KPMG’s Legal Department. Services offered include:

  • representation of clients at the Tax Authority during the whole procedure;
  • preparation of remarks, appeals and requests for supervisory procedures;
  • cooperation and professional support to KPMG’s Legal Department during court proceedings;

Tax reviewing focusing on all tax types or on specific tax types and tax periods in order to analyse, identify and remedy potential and undisclosed tax risks, as well as analysing and identifying tax differences in favour of clients; also potential tax savings opportunities;

Advisory services for the tax aspects of unique, specific transactions and contracts as well as key processes (e.g. investment, procurement, sales procedures, etc.) at the Clients;

Advisory services regarding direct tax incentives (e.g. development tax allowance, R&D tax incentives, royalty structures, tax credits available when supporting certain sporting, cinematic and performance organizations, etc.)

Tax compliance services, such as assistance in relation to the preparation of tax calculations and tax returns, especially for corporate income tax, local business tax, innovation contribution, and certain sector-specific tax purposes; also for the administration of various duty liabilities.

Contact us if you have any questions!


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