Tax Alert

Tax Alert

Real-time Reporting 2.0 in Hungary: increasing requirements


More than one year has passed since the introduction of the Real-time Reporting Obligation in Hungary in 2018. Version 2.0 of the Real-time Reporting System, which will take effect from 1 April 2020, represents the first major upgrade rolled out by the Tax Authority. New requirements are being introduced regarding both the format of communication with the servers of the Tax Authority and the format and content of reportable invoice data. KPMG's cloud-based KID solution encompasses those server communication adjustments and format changes necessary for compliance with the Obligation, thereby relieving KPMG clients using KID from adapting their systems to the “2.0” reporting requirements. KID will be also capable of initiating customer-side queries, i.e. checking if the real-time reporting obligation has been performed by vendors appropriately regarding their Below are the most salient features of the 2.0 changes. Server communication changes:

  • Customer-side invoice data queries enabled
  • New API request format introduced for technical annulments
  • Extended scope for status requests on invoice data and technical annulment submissions
  • Information on invoicing software must be indicated in all API requests
  • Signature of API requests adjusted (e.g. SHA3-512 encryption required)

Invoice data changes:

  • Required invoice data XML format reorganised (e.g. invoice number and invoice issue date information restructured)
  • Delivery date (supply date) rendered reportable even if not included on invoice
  • New, reportable index number introduced for credit/debit note (modification invoice) data submissions
  • Modification timestamp data and reference to previous modification invoices removed from reporting
  • Reporting of VAT amounts in HUF extended to the level of invoice line items
  • Net amounts required in HUF for each invoice line item, in a summarised format for each VAT rate and for the invoice overall

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