KPMG-COVID-19-returning to office guidance

KPMG-COVID-19-returning to office guidance

Considerations for employers


Pri planiranju povratka radnika u prostor poslodavca, prije svega je potrebno zaštiti zdravlje i sigurnost radnika. Naša brošura prikazuje korake koje bi poslodavci trebali razmotriti pri uvođenju promjena u organizaciji rada.

U slučaju da ćete trebati pomoć pri izradi ili izmjeni odgovarajućih internih akata, naš tim stručnjaka Vam stoji na raspolaganju.


Protection of employees' health and safety is of utmost importance when planning return of employees to employer's premises. Our brochure summarizes the steps that employers should consider in introducing changes to the organization of work.

Should you require any assistance with drafting of relevant internal policies, our team of experts stands at your disposal.  

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