Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility


All organizations have responsibilities to their people, their clients and society. We believe a real commitment to corporate responsibility (CR) unites an organization, strengthens its reputation and creates vital links with the communities in which it operates.

People With many graduates and qualified employees citing CR as one of priorities, our commitments are helping us to attract, develop and unite great people. CR projects enable our employees to learn from challenging experiences; gain fresh perspectives; enhance their skills; and work with a broad range of people - including senior colleagues.

Clients Clients actively involved in CR often prefer to work with like-minded organizations. Our commitment to transparency and integrity and our strong desire to make a positive difference to the world reflect the beliefs and actions of many of our clients.

Communities There is a strong moral case for CR, and we believe it is right to support selected individuals and groups in need - both as an organization and as individuals.

Efficiency We are very conscious of our responsibility to make the best use of resources. We are significantly reducing costs by introducing more efficient approaches to resources such as paper and energy, and to business travel.

There is a strong business and overwhelming moral case for CSR: not only to benefit our local communities, but also in attracting and retaining the best people and realizing benefits derived from, for example, good environmental, and health and safety management practices. Increasingly companies are bringing CSR into the heart of their business operations and turning to us for advice.

As a result practicing what we preach is becoming even more important. We strive to inspire, challenge and empower our people to contribute positively to our social and environmental performance.

Examples of KPMG in Croatia CSR actions

We believe a real commitment to corporate responsibility (CR) unites an organization, strengthens its reputation and creates vital links with the communities in which it operates. KPMG is recognized for the efforts we make to alleviate poverty, support education and protect the environment around the world.

KPMG member firms work diligently with other companies, governments and non-government organizations to address these problems and make a positive difference in peoples’ health, welfare and prosperity. 

- Membership in Global Compact - KPMG is a member of the Global Compact, a strategic initiative of the United Nations.  It is a call to companies everywhere to align their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. We are also a member of Global Compact LEAD, a platform founded in 2011 that brings together companies committed to be an example of efforts to increase sustainability within their organizations and beyond. 

- Terry Fox Run – From 2008 until today we sponsor the annual run (walking, running, roller skating, cycling) around Lake Jarun to raise money for cancer research. 

- MADD  - “Make a Difference Day”

    - Our employees painted the walls, hallway and staircase in the house for the elderly.

    - In SOS Children Village we assist with construction, painting and so on, by sending in a coach load of staff volunteers for the day.

- Shoebox Appeal - Every Christmas we collect presents for orphans in various orphanages in Croatia.

- St Nicholas’s Day - Every year we have a party for the children of our staff who are joined by children from local orphanages. 

- The Global Green Initiative - Project founded in 2008 by KPMG International which addresses climate change impacts. In Croatia we annually monitor and strive to minimaze our impact on the environment with the actions like e.g.:

    - separation of waste and WEEE (waste of electrical and electronic equipment) collection.

    - measures to reduce paper and energy consumption;

    - educational events on environmental issues in order to raise awareness about the need for its protection.