Governance, Regulatory & Compliance

Governance, Regulatory & Compliance

Effective corporate governance encompasses board relations, internal control system, risk management, compliance management and internal audit.

Governance, Regulatory & Compliance

Service offerings within the Regulatory Compliance service network include: Corporate Governance, Corporate Regulatory Compliance, Regulatory and Management Investigations, Privacy, Sarbanes Oxley Section 404 Compliance.

Regulatory Compliance Services leverage industry knowledge and regulatory capabilities to assist regulators, boards, and management in evaluating an entity's compliance with applicable rules and regulations. Our approach combines the capability to assess regulatory compliance and to assist clients with the development of compliance programs, processes, and controls to facilitate sounds corporate governance.

Corporate Regulatory Compliance

Today's increasingly demanding and complex regulatory environment drives many organizations to invest significant resources on compliance activities.

KPMG can help organizations to transform regulatory compliance from just another cost and management distraction into a key value driver.

KPMG's Corporate Regulatory Compliance professionals can evaluate current compliance policies and procedures and provide advice on the design of the compliance function and the role of the board, audit committee, and management. When appropriate, they can assist in the design and implementation of specific reporting systems, process requirements, and compliance programs, including training and e-learning approaches.

Regulatory and Management Investigations

KPMG's services of Regulatory and Management Investigations aim at helping clients identify, verify, and even prevent breaches of regulatory requirements. We can investigate whether, how, and why an organization may have failed to meet regulatory requirements. We can also provide recommendations for improvements in structures, processes, and controls and facilitate a positive relationship with regulators.

Representative examples of the national and international regulatory framework that require Regulatory and Management Investigation in order to assess the design and operating effectiveness are:

  • The Bank of Greece Acts No 2577/9.3.2006 and 2597/31.10.2007 regarding the evaluation of the organizations’ internal control systems. 
  • The Bank of Greece through Act No 2597/31.10.2007 Appendix 7 regarding the safe ground of clients assets. 
  • The Session 281/17.3.2009 of the Banking and Credit Committee of the Bank of Greece (Law 3691/5.8.2008) regarding Anti-Money Laundering (AML). 
  • The Decision 1/474/13.6.2008 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission (Law 3606/2007) regarding Markets in Financial instruments Directive (MiFID). 
  • The Decision 1/506/8.4.2009 of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission regarding AML.

Corporate Governance

Building a foundation of trust with management, the investment community, regulatory agencies, and the public is a major challenge for board members.

While new standards are emerging, it remains clear that the responsibility to adopt sound governance practices is squarely on corporate directors and officers, who are asked to perform with seasoned ability and unquestioned integrity.

Corporate Governance is designed to help any organization manage the risks inherent in the governance process.

KPMG’s approach to Corporate Governance is to drive our clients in developing capability that both meets compliance requirements but aims to provide the practical approaches to the business.

KPMG's experienced professionals can assess governance structure in the context of the business environment and business risks, focusing on such areas as improving board operations, embedding governance principles in corporate culture, monitoring and evaluation, and stewardship.

More precisely we can help to:

  • Understand and fix the causes of internal control breakdown 
  • Identify areas where corporate governance can be enhanced to help improve business performance 
  • Prepare an organization’s Corporate Governance for a capital raising or M&A event 
  • Train and update Board members on Corporate Governance requirements.

Potential Business Benefits:

  • Better control and better business performance 
  • Improved performance and satisfaction of investor expectations that can result in long-term shareholder value 
  • Ability to satisfy listing requirements and access capital.


Assist clients to address potential privacy-related risks, establish an appropriate privacy policy, and capitalize on the marketplace value of a company’s privacy practices.

Services include:

  • Environmental and regulatory analyses, 
  • Policy and procedure design, 
  • Compliance implementation assistance, and 
  • Privacy reviews.

Internal Controls over Financial Reporting Assistance Services KPMG firms can support companies listed on the US Stock Exchange or their subsidiaries in achieving compliance with the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley action, section 404.

Specifically, we can assist the management in documenting, monitoring, and evaluating the internal controls over financial reporting, as well as preparing their written assessment of their effectiveness.

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