Executive Search & Selection

Executive Search & Selection

We can help with your HR needs in the most effective way for your organization

We can help with your HR needs in the most effective way for your organization...

Search & Selection of Talents and Executives

We care for staffing your company, identifying and evaluating the best the labour market has to offer, so that you integrate into your team the most suitable executives and talented professionals who will help to create value for your company.

Our team for the search and selection of talented professionals and executives with long experience and reliability, extensive market knowledge and expertise in specific areas of activity, effectively covers all staffing needs of a modern organization in the following sectors:

  • Banking and Insurance Services
  • Consumer products and Retail
  • Energy
  • Industry
  • Information Technology, Telecommunications and High Tech
  • Pharmaceutical and Medical devises
  • Shipping

Our methodology and tools allow us to identify with success both top executives in Greek and international markets, as well as emerging talents.

We work with you in order to understand your strategic objectives, your workplace environment, your current and future needs within the specific conditions of your market.

Our actions are not limited just to the placement of the most appropriate candidate in your organisation, as within our priorities are both his/her smooth integration as well as his/her performance in the role. We remain close to you, following during the first months his/her course, providing you with relevant guarantees.

We select the best, reliably and responsibly for more than 20 years:

  • More than 3.000 current "decision makers" have been placed through KPMG People Services;
  • more than 200 companies every year trust us to cover their staff selection needs;
  • 1 in 3 of our new collaborations is a result of client’s recommendation
  • 96% of our customers state they will cooperate with us again.  

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