Throughout many sectors and functions, the blurring of boundaries between the physical and the digital has significantly changed “business as usual” practices, exerting great pressure on organisations to respond. Manufacturing is no different and must adapt to the fourth industrial revolution by traversing the digital transformation journey. Industry 4.0 (i4.0) is a term used to describe the large scale integration of smart technologies such as machine communication through the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), Robotics, Big Data, Additive Manufacturing (3D printing), 5th generation networks (5G) to name but a few. Technologies such as these are challenging the fundamentals of traditional value chains and driving a step change in business performance and revenue streams. Existing industry challenges in conjunction with the COVID-19 pandemic, are only accelerating the necessity for digital transformation and driving organisations to focus on their Industry 4.0 journey, shifting investment into more advanced & smarter technologies. KPMG has developed a structured performance-led approach that can address the strategic needs of our clients in their i4.0 transformation journey, recognizing the criticality of multi-disciplinary teams to deliver transformative value. Our i4.0 framework consists of six intertwined core pillars that drive a successful i4.0 transformation. These 6 pillars are the following: Customer experience, Strategy & Business model, Operational excellence, Technology & Systems, People, Governance & Risk Management. Regardless of your current i4.0 organisational stage, our local & global team of experts have the capabilities to support you and add tangible value. Working with the world’s most innovative manufacturing leaders, our experience and research are offering significant insights into the reality surrounding i4.0, helping our clients achieve the scale and integration required to deliver real and sustainable business results.