Corporate Governance Services

Corporate Governance Services

Provision of integrated corporate governance services

Provision of integrated corporate governance services

On 17 July 2020, Law 4706/2020 (Government Gazette A '136 / 17-07-2020) on Corporate Governance of Societes Anonymes was published, with the aim of updating Law 3016/2002 in accordance with the current European and international standards. Subsequently, based on an explicit legislative requirement, the Hellenic Capital Market Commission issued a circular and two decisions, which clarify specific issues regarding a) the appropriateness policy, b) sanctions and c) the assessment of the Internal Control System (ICS) and the implementation of the provisions of Law 4706/2020 on Corporate Governance.

The abovementioned provisions bring additional requirements regarding the management, organization and operation of societes anonymes with shares or other securities listed on a regulated market in Greece, however they can also be applied voluntarily by non-listed societes anonymes.

Combining the knowledge and years of experience of specialized consultants in corporate governance, regulatory compliance, risk management, internal audit, human resource management, legal services and audit, KPMG is able to provide you with comprehensive consulting and audit services on corporate governance in three distinct phases:

  • Design of an efficient corporate governance model and system
  • Implementation of the new corporate governance principles
  • Continuous assessment and improvement of corporate governance.

Find out more about our Corporate Governance Services (PDF, 563 KB)

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