Operational Strategy

Operational Strategy

KPMG helps our clients to successfully implement overall strategy for their business

KPMG helps our clients to successfully implement overall strategy for their business

Operational strategy involves refining and specifying a company’s business strategy and developing strategic initiatives and operational plans, aiming at enabling our clients to successfully implement overall strategy for their business.

The work involves, among others:

  • Challenging management regarding the way in which they think about their business, 
  • Performing, where needed, detailed strategic and operational analysis to identify any omissions/problems or areas for improvement. 
  • Developing clear, achievable action plans, to deliver the strategy 
  • Supporting clients in implementing the action plans and measuring the results against predefined goals and key performance indicators.

Various techniques may be used to achieve the required level of operational analysis such as:

  • Value proposition and value chain analysis, 
  • Activity Based Costing, 
  • Benchmarking, 
  • Business performance diagnostic, etc. 
  • Performance measurement methods and techniques, etc.  

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