Compliance and Monitoring

Compliance and Monitoring

KPMG Forensic uses economic arguments to build compelling cases in disputes, negotiations with regulators, and discussions with antitrust authorities

KPMG Forensic uses economic arguments to build compelling cases in disputes...

Developments in legislation over the last years regarding money laundering, bribery and corruption, have made regulatory compliance an issue of high importance for all businesses.

The incidences of law violations are increasing, whereas these violations result in financial penalties, exclusion from certain lines of business and damage to market and public reputation.

The right decision for each company is to improve its regulatory compliance, thus avoiding any obstacles that would put in stake its performance and competitiveness.

How can KPMG help?

  • We offer solid methodologies to achieve compliance and in depth understanding of regulatory and legal requirements. 
  • Control systems for regulatory and compliance risk 
  • Technology solutions that meet specific needs 
  • Integrity due diligence prior to mergers , acquisitions and joint ventures 
  • We work with clients to identify, manage and mitigate their AML/CTF risk exposures in line with legislative requirements and industry better practice 
  • KMPG's due diligence tool Astrus enables facts and information to be collected in a reliable, fast and cost-effective way, and identifies risks concerning new clients and business partners.  

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