The global Life Sciences & Healthcare industry over the past decade has been on the rise, growing more rapidly than ever. As the industry continues to evolve the need to think more broadly and support the overarching goal of healthy populations must remain paramount. Today, healthcare reforms along with growing regulatory changes and heavier competitive pressures are shaping a new reality and are forcing companies to adjust their operations accordingly. As a result of this unique combination of pressures, the industry is now facing major changes such as consolidation via M&As and joint ventures, increased partnering in areas that were previously considered proprietary and the transition to a digitalized world. This new reality requests the industry to radically change its value proposition to Patient Centric, as well as to optimize efficiency and reduce costs. Although transformation requires a long-term vision and commitment, the immense challenges facing the sector also call for immediate action and a sense of pace.


KPMG executives understand the key issues faced by companies operating in the Healthcare and Life Sciences industry. Within this set of challenges and disruptive changes, KPMG in Greece has been associated with both production and commercial companies, operating on a national or international level. We cover the full range of healthcare-related businesses, including hospitals and clinics, pharmaceutical companies related both with generic and brand name drugs, Medical Device and OTC companies. This has offered our subject matter experts valuable insights and in-depth knowledge of the industry, allowing them to provide high level service, address clients' needs and support them to seize opportunities while avoiding risks.

How we can help

At KPMG in Greece we can help you improve commercial capabilities and identify growth opportunities, transform operations, protect business or provide tax advice, leveraging our digital and technological know-how to enhance competitive advantage.

KPMG experts, acknowledging the need for a patient-centric approach, aim on improving customer experience by strengthening the context of “Connected Patient Enterprise”. 

We also focus on operational efficiency and effective strategic planning, offering services related to data strategy and analytics. Additionally, our professionals apply their expertise on topics related to intelligence automation and robotics, as well as People Services such as Executive Search & Selection, Executive Onboarding, HR Culture & Systems, Outplacement, Assessment & Development centers. 

Our combination of centers of excellence, market-leading processes and technology platforms makes KPMG in Greece a trusted service provider in Life Sciences & Healthcare sectors.
