The Greek Energy & Utilities sector is undergoing a period of tectonic changes and major transformation. The main drivers of change are:

  • The Green Deal Implementation – through rapid de-lignification, development of RES, electrification and e-mobility etc.
  • The increasing supply market liberalization – coupled with radically changing customer behavior and expectations from supply companies
  • The increasing complexity of the sector and the products and services offered – both to companies and individuals
  • The investments in transmission and distribution network – as well as alternative fuels infrastructure 
  • The pressure for increasing efficiency and transformation of regulated infrastructure operators.  

KPMG’s Energy & Utilities team has the international experience, technical know-how and knowledge of the local market to be able to assist companies in a series of areas, such as:

  • The development of partnerships and new advanced energy products and services which can add true values to businesses and consumers – both in traditional and new areas (such as e-mobility, ESCO services etc.)
  • The transformation and optimization of supply companies retail networks – from points of collection / payments to modern commercial networks that can offer the customer experience and products and services that address the market needs
  • The development of strategies for the optimization of market participation, setup of PPAs etc.
  • The digital transformation of legacy energy & utility companies legacy operating models 
  • The provision of investment support in RES, infrastructure projects etc.
