Travel in the future with Gerd Leonhard

At the 25th HR Symposium organized by KPMG Greece, Futurist Gerd Leonhard will share how the future can be better than we think

At the 25th HR Symposium organized by KPMG Greece, Futurist Gerd Leonhard will share how..


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Podcast: Travel in the future with Gerd Leonhard

kpmg greece podcast 25th hr symposium

Our world will change more in the next 10 years than it had done in the previous 100 years: the future of HR, Work and Jobs. There is a lot of negativity for the future, such as: the climate crisis, automation and robots that will take our jobs, more pandemics, more geopolitical conflicts and a decline in democracy. At the 25th HR Symposium organized by KPMG Greece on Tuesday, April 12, Futurist Gerd Leonhard will share how the future can be better than we think, and show that what he calls "The Good Future" is entirely possible - if we make the right decisions today, and develop better foresight. HR leaders need to develop a future-ready mindset, and lead their organizations forward.

In this #KPMGGreece podcast episode Marilena Pappa, Events Coordinator, KPMG in Greece, interviews Gerd Leonard, Futurist & Humanist, Keynote Speaker, Author, CEO The Futures Agency.