Design Thinking Webinar Podcasts

Tips, Key Takeaways, and Experience by Alexander Simon

Tips, Key Takeaways, and Experience by Alexander Simon


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Podcast Series: Design Thinking Webinar - My Experience by Alexander Simon

podcast design thinking webinar by alexander simon

In this episode, Alexander Simon, General Manager, Simon GesmbH, keynote speaker at the Design Thinking Webinar organized by KPMG in Greece talks about his experience with design thinking and invites you to join him virtually on May 17 & 19.

Alexander Simon has worked as a Management & IT consultant with international clients for more than 20 years. He has helped international clients drive their digital transformation and make their projects more sustainable. He shares his knowledge in highly interactive webinars and currently creates a platform for facilitating Design Thinking projects online.

Podcast Series: Design Thinking Webinar - Tips by Alexander Simon

podcast tips by alexander simon

In this episode, Alexander Simon, General Manager, Simon GesmbH, keynote speaker at the Design Thinking Webinar organized by KPMG in Greece mentions a few useful tips about embedding design thinking in your organization that he will present at the Design Thinking Webinar and invites you to join him virtually on May 17 & 19.

Alexander Simon has worked as a Management & IT consultant with international clients for more than 20 years. He has helped international clients drive their digital transformation and make their projects more sustainable. He shares his knowledge in highly interactive webinars and currently creates a platform for facilitating Design Thinking projects online.

Podcast Series: Design Thinking Webinar - Key Takeaways by Alexander Simon

podcast key takeaways by alexander simon

In this episode, Alexander Simon, General Manager, Simon GesmbH, keynote speaker at the Design Thinking Webinar organized by KPMG in Greece talks about the main learning points of the webinar and invites you to join him virtually on May 17 & 19.

Alexander Simon has worked as a Management & IT consultant with international clients for more than 20 years. He has helped international clients drive their digital transformation and make their projects more sustainable. He shares his knowledge in highly interactive webinars and currently creates a platform for facilitating Design Thinking projects online.