Services offered

Services offered

KPMG’s Global Transfer Pricing Services help develop & implement economically supportable transfer prices, document policies & respond to challenges.

KPMG’s Global Transfer Pricing Services help develop & implement economically...

We can help companies manage their transfer pricing issues through such services as:


To assist in developing economically supportable transfer pricing policies and in executing forward-looking tax planning.


To provide insightful advice on developing and implementing policies, procedures, controls and systems for setting, monitoring, and testing intercompany transactions


To help resolve transfer pricing disputes through various services, including assistance with advance pricing agreements, competent authority negotiations, arbitration, and litigation support

Compliance and Documentation:

To help manage risk within the current environment of detailed transfer pricing regulations, strict documentation requirements, sophisticated audit practices, and significant penalties for noncompliance with an objective point-of-view

Adapting to changeForward-thinking companies recognize that effective global transfer pricing policies must do more than simply enable them to comply with national rules. They know transfer pricing issues have to be addressed long before transactions actually occur and they try to make their transfer pricing policies into strategic tools for investment and supply chain decisions, as well as for global tax planning.

For more information on how KPMG’s GTPS practice can help your company with your global transfer pricing, please contact us.

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