Our Services

Our services

ENR Tax offers a wide range of tax services to clients in the energy & natural resources industry.

ENR Tax offers a wide range of tax services to clients in the energy industry.

For KPMG's Global Tax practice, the energy and natural resources (ENR) industry is a top strategic priority , and we have assembled a core team of tax specialists covering all ENR segments. The team, which includes KPMG lead partners working with major global ENR clients, meets frequently to discuss industry trends and identify opportunities for our member firms' clients. We also host a regular ENR Tax Masterclass to share industry knowledge across our firms' client service teams.

Our firms' global ENR team focuses on four broad industry segments:

  • Mining
  • Oil & Gas
  • Power & Utilities
  • Chemicals.

Among our firms' wide range of tax services, KPMG's ENR Tax practice professionals can help ensure your company's global tax function is well managed. We can help ensure your company's financing and capital write-off allowances are tax-effective. We can also advise you on customs duties, indirect taxes (VAT/GST), employee tax issues, employee mobility, tax planning, and incentives for R&D and new technology development.


KPMG's Tax Services to the ENR Industry:

Mining Tax Services

Mining is undergoing intense growth worldwide. Rising prices and rising demand from developing countries are igniting an investment boom, accelerating consolidation, and encouraging new, more global business models. Tax incentives for research, development and exploration are becoming so substantial, they can now make the difference between a viable or non-viable project.

Global mining companies must manage taxation on an international scale. Vertical integration of processes can give reason to carry out mining operations in one country, processing in a second country and marketing operations in a third. Our member firms have the global reach and the industry knowledge needed to advise global clients in multiple locations. We can help your mining company design, develop and manage efficient international tax planning strategies to face almost any global tax challenge.

Oil & Gas Tax Services For companies in the oil and gas sector, our firms understand the vital importance of the remittability of profits. We recognize the growing tax management challenge associated with the geographical mismatch between cash-generating and cash-consuming territories. We realize the need to protect intellectual property in the form of brands, processes and technical know-how.

Most importantly, our firms understand how resource extraction taxes and regulations shape the environment for strategy formulation and active portfolio management—both of which are critical for turning assets into cash in mature regions to finance new development elsewhere.

Power & Utilities Tax Services The power and utilities industry ― electricity generation, electricity and gas transmission and distribution, renewable energy sources and the water industry ― is one of the most tightly regulated and closely scrutinized sectors. As international consolidation spreads through this sector, global approaches to tax management are crucial. The industry is also at the center of worldwide debates about climate change, nuclear power and alternative energy.

In the years ahead, we expect the worlds governments make ever more use of tax incentives and penalties to encourage more sustainable energy use, creating ongoing challenges for companies in the industry.

Chemicals Tax Services

The chemical industry’s competitive landscape continues to change fast. With the demand base of the industry shifting geographies to new emerging markets the most attractive markets are changing from one year to the next. Along with this, there are structural challenges in Europe and Japan, while the complexity of managing the tax at a global chemical company is increasing.

Our member firms can help chemical companies integrate tax planning into business operations to help maximize growth opportunities, minimize expenses and risk, enhance return on investment, and drive efficiencies across global value chains.  With a global network comprised of industry specific specialists, our member firms around the world deliver tax services based on a tried and tested analytical and delivery model.

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