Infrastructure, Govt & Health

Infrastructure, Govt & Health

Navigating the contentious issues disrupting all government and public sector organisations requires the steady hand of a trusted guide.

Navigating the contentious issues disrupting all government and public sector organisation

All levels of government and all manner of public sector and Indigenous organisations in Ghana are facing a plethora of challenges – financial uncertainty, decaying infrastructure, rapid urbanisation, advanced technological risk, lack of accountability – which demand innovative approaches to policy, strategies and operating models. How they choose to address these challenges impacts every part of our economy. At KPMG in Ghana, we aim to deliver meaningful results through a deep understanding of the issues, an intimate appreciation of how the public sector works, and global and local insight into the cultural, social and political environments.

Our professionals work across a broad range of industries and sub-sectors to help provide integrated, holistic advice. We bring a creative and innovative approach to problem solving that reflects their keen understanding of the government and public sector operating environment and relevant private sector insights to help achieve sustainable results.