Advancing sustainability

Advancing sustainability

We are committed to reducing our impact on the environment.

We are committed to reducing our impact on the environment.

underground natural gas storage plant

"We are committed to reducing our impact on the environment. Sustainability is an essential element of KPMG’s business strategy. Our responsibility to communities and the marketplace drives us to implement sustainable principles, which adds value for our clients and reflects the values of our professionals.” - John Veihmeyer, Chairman, KPMG International

KPMG member firms are committed to reducing their impact on the environment, addressing local environmental challenges and working with clients to advance environmental sustainability.

Actions include: 

  • achieving ambitious emissions reduction targets
  • developing new approaches to account for natural and social capital
  • supporting collaborative projects with partners such as the UN Global Compact and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
  • serving as leading providers of climate change and sustainability services for our clients.

UNFCCC COP21: KPMG International is playing an active role in sharing our insights into the 2015 UN Climate Negotiations in Paris. Apart from the work of our Climate Change & Sustainability Services practice, KPMG International has committed to action in two areas: 

  • The Carbon Price Communique, which makes the case for setting a price on carbon emissions as one of the main building blocks of an effective and ambitious climate change policy.
  • The Statement on Fiduciary Duty and Climate Change Disclosure by the Climate Standards Disclosure Board, which aims to bring climate change disclosures in mainstream corporate reports, given the disclosures relevance to investors.

For more information, visit

John Veihmeyer

Global Chairman

“Sustainability is an essential element of KPMG’s business strategy. Our responsibility to communities and the marketplace drives us to implement sustainable principles, which adds value for our clients and reflects the values of our professionals.”

We are committed to reducing our impact on the environment, addressing local environmental challenges and working with clients to advance environmental sustainability.

Our actions include: achieving ambitious emissions reduction targets; developing new approaches to account for natural and social capital; supporting collaborative projects with partners, such as the UN Global Compact and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD); and serving as a leading provider of climate change and sustainability services for our clients.

Global Green Initiative

In 2008, KPMG International announced the Global Green Initiative (GGI), a commitment to address climate change by focusing on three pillars:

  1. to measure, reduce and report KPMG’s global emissions
  2. to support environmental projects within our wider commitment to our communities; and Advancing sustainability
  3. to work with our partners, employees, suppliers and clients to help them reduce their climate change impacts.

The GGI started with an ambition to reduce our combined greenhouse gas emissions per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee by 25 percent by 2010, on a 2007 baseline. We achieved this target. A new target was set in 2011 that seeks a further 15 percent reduction in net emissions per FTE by 2015, compared to 2010. As of 2013, we have achieved a 10 percent net emissions reduction. Furthermore, 27 percent of our total purchased electricity is now procured from renewable sources.


Environmental sustainability statistics cited above are based on aggregated results of a group of KPMG firms representing 85 percent of full-time equivalent KPMG people globally, which are used to estimate total emissions from all KPMG firms.

John Veihmeyer

Global Chairman

“Sustainability is an essential element of KPMG’s business strategy. Our responsibility to communities and the marketplace drives us to implement sustainable principles, which adds value for our clients and reflects the values of our professionals.”

We are committed to reducing our impact on the environment, addressing local environmental challenges and working with clients to advance environmental sustainability.

Our actions include: achieving ambitious emissions reduction targets; developing new approaches to account for natural and social capital; supporting collaborative projects with partners, such as the UN Global Compact and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD); and serving as a leading provider of climate change and sustainability services for our clients.

Global Green Initiative

In 2008, KPMG International announced the Global Green Initiative (GGI), a commitment to address climate change by focusing on three pillars:

  1. to measure, reduce and report KPMG’s global emissions
  2. to support environmental projects within our wider commitment to our communities; and Advancing sustainability
  3. to work with our partners, employees, suppliers and clients to help them reduce their climate change impacts.

The GGI started with an ambition to reduce our combined greenhouse gas emissions per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee by 25 percent by 2010, on a 2007 baseline. We achieved this target. A new target was set in 2011 that seeks a further 15 percent reduction in net emissions per FTE by 2015, compared to 2010. As of 2013, we have achieved a 10 percent net emissions reduction. Furthermore, 27 percent of our total purchased electricity is now procured from renewable sources.


Environmental sustainability statistics cited above are based on aggregated results of a group of KPMG firms representing 85 percent of full-time equivalent KPMG people globally, which are used to estimate total emissions from all KPMG firms.

John Veihmeyer

Global Chairman

“Sustainability is an essential element of KPMG’s business strategy. Our responsibility to communities and the marketplace drives us to implement sustainable principles, which adds value for our clients and reflects the values of our professionals.”

We are committed to reducing our impact on the environment, addressing local environmental challenges and working with clients to advance environmental sustainability.

Our actions include: achieving ambitious emissions reduction targets; developing new approaches to account for natural and social capital; supporting collaborative projects with partners, such as the UN Global Compact and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD); and serving as a leading provider of climate change and sustainability services for our clients.

Global Green Initiative

In 2008, KPMG International announced the Global Green Initiative (GGI), a commitment to address climate change by focusing on three pillars:

  1. to measure, reduce and report KPMG’s global emissions
  2. to support environmental projects within our wider commitment to our communities; and Advancing sustainability
  3. to work with our partners, employees, suppliers and clients to help them reduce their climate change impacts.

The GGI started with an ambition to reduce our combined greenhouse gas emissions per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee by 25 percent by 2010, on a 2007 baseline. We achieved this target. A new target was set in 2011 that seeks a further 15 percent reduction in net emissions per FTE by 2015, compared to 2010. As of 2013, we have achieved a 10 percent net emissions reduction. Furthermore, 27 percent of our total purchased electricity is now procured from renewable sources.


Environmental sustainability statistics cited above are based on aggregated results of a group of KPMG firms representing 85 percent of full-time equivalent KPMG people globally, which are used to estimate total emissions from all KPMG firms.

John Veihmeyer

Global Chairman

“Sustainability is an essential element of KPMG’s business strategy. Our responsibility to communities and the marketplace drives us to implement sustainable principles, which adds value for our clients and reflects the values of our professionals.”

We are committed to reducing our impact on the environment, addressing local environmental challenges and working with clients to advance environmental sustainability.

Our actions include: achieving ambitious emissions reduction targets; developing new approaches to account for natural and social capital; supporting collaborative projects with partners, such as the UN Global Compact and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD); and serving as a leading provider of climate change and sustainability services for our clients.

Global Green Initiative

In 2008, KPMG International announced the Global Green Initiative (GGI), a commitment to address climate change by focusing on three pillars:

  1. to measure, reduce and report KPMG’s global emissions
  2. to support environmental projects within our wider commitment to our communities; and Advancing sustainability
  3. to work with our partners, employees, suppliers and clients to help them reduce their climate change impacts.

The GGI started with an ambition to reduce our combined greenhouse gas emissions per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee by 25 percent by 2010, on a 2007 baseline. We achieved this target. A new target was set in 2011 that seeks a further 15 percent reduction in net emissions per FTE by 2015, compared to 2010. As of 2013, we have achieved a 10 percent net emissions reduction. Furthermore, 27 percent of our total purchased electricity is now procured from renewable sources.


Environmental sustainability statistics cited above are based on aggregated results of a group of KPMG firms representing 85 percent of full-time equivalent KPMG people globally, which are used to estimate total emissions from all KPMG firms.

Cycle for Water

“Water is essential for life. It is also crucial for business and for growth. Cycle for Water is a great opportunity for KPMG to challenge our people, clients and the communities in which we operate to make a difference by supporting Theo and Simon as they Cycle for Water and champion clean water for sustainable development”.  - Lord Dr Michael Hastings of Scarisbrick CBE, Global Head of Citizenship, KPMG International

KPMG International is supporting two Frenchmen, Theo Rohfritsch and Simon Valdenaire, as they Cycle for Water over 25,000km from France to New Zealand, with the message of clean water for sustainable development. Over the 12 months of the journey, Theo and Simon will cycle across 21 countries, raising awareness of the importance of clean water in achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. 

For more information please visit

Global Green Initiative

In 2008, KPMG International announced the Global Green Initiative (GGI), a commitment to address climate change by focusing on three pillars:

  1. to measure, reduce and report KPMG’s global emissions across the KPMG network
  2. to support environmental projects within our wider commitment to our communities, and advance sustainability
  3. to work with our partners, employees, suppliers and clients to help them reduce their climate change impacts.

The GGI started with a pan-KPMG network ambition to reduce combined greenhouse gas emissions per full-time equivalent (FTE) employee by 25 percent by 2010, on a 2007 baseline. We achieved this target. 

A new target was set in 2011 that seeks a further 15 percent reduction in net emissions per FTE by 2015, compared to 2010. As of 2014, we have reduced our net emissions per FTE by 10 percent since 2010. This brings us closer to our goal of a 15 percent reduction by the end of 2015.

Furthermore, 27 percent of electricity purchased across the KPMG network is now procured from renewable sources, including on-site solar at a few facilities, or from renewable energy certificates and green tariffs.

We view material climate change risks as those that will significantly disrupt the provision of KPMG services.  We view material climate change opportunities as those that provide significant opportunity to improve our business operations, reduce operating costs and/or offer new services to KPMG member firm clients.

global green initiatives emissions chart

Working towards our Target



  2010* 2014*
Scope 1  On-site Energy 52,883 54,233
Scope 2 Purchased Electricity 181,636 179,568
Scope 3 Air Travel, Employee-owned Car Travel, Common Area Energy Use                             228,077 257,046
Total Gross Emissions   462,596 490,847
Renewable Energy   40,301 39,098
Carbon Offsets   42,023 44,939
Total Net Emissions   380,272 401,811
Net Emissions per FTE   2.75 2.48

*Data provided in Metric Tonnes of CO2

Environmental sustainability statistics cited are based on aggregated results of a group of KPMG firms, representing 83 percent of full-time equivalent KPMG people globally, which are used to estimate total emissions from all KPMG firms.