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The mining industry continues to deliver the critical materials that our world needs, confronting its challenges and embracing the real opportunities that technology and data are bringing to mineral assets across the world.

With volatile commodity prices, global growth headwinds and heightened expectations on making the sector more sustainable, investors are ramping up the pressure on company leaders. Changing regulations, resource nationalism, and geopolitical issues are adding to the challenges, as are stakeholder calls to better manage environmental and social concerns.

Mining and exploration companies need the flexibility to adapt to changing market conditions; KPMG firms can help.

We work side by side with companies to help them meet both the practical, day-to-day challenges of their business, as well as develop long-term strategies for growth.

Cost reduction, technology and digital deployment, community and sustainability strategies, asset portfolio management, and integrated risk management are just a few of the areas where KPMG professionals can offer solutions for clients around the world.

The KPMG global network of mining and natural resources specialists have deep industry experience with operations around the world and projects across their lifecycles, from exploration and evaluation through closure. We look forward to meeting the specific needs of your organization.