Transaction services

Transaction services

The objective of the Transactions services is to assist the clients in assessing the risks and opportunities in a proposed investment, whether an acquisition or disposal, we seek to improve our client’s understanding of the issues surrounding the proposed transaction and to provide our client with comments as to whether these issues are:

  • Deal breakers – something that could end the deal; 
  • Valuation points – something that could affect the value of the deal; and 
  • Negotiation points – something that could be useful when negotiating price with seller.

Our key strengths include global coverage, deep insight, collaborative culture and we believe, having best talent.   KPMG Transaction Services in Egypt provide divestiture, merger, and acquisition support by placing a strong emphasis on stakeholders’ value and identifying key risks and opportunities at an early stage.   Divestiture, merger, or acquisition capabilities differ substantially from one company to another, and from one deal to the next. We tailor our approach to focus on risks, complement your strengths, and support your areas of need.   We provide support throughout the transaction life cycle on both the “buy side” and “sell side” to both strategic and financial buyers. This support includes pre-bid assessments financial, tax, commercial, human resources and information systems due diligence, integration risk assessments, and accounting and tax transaction advisory services.   At the core of KPMG’s methodology, Intelligence for Successful Transactions, is a proprietary due diligence process that not only examines potential deal breakers but also considers value factors and risks built into the price. This methodology is designed to transcend traditional due diligence, taking into account an expanded universe of risks and rewards.

We seek to anticipate the impact of deal financing, compensation arrangements, and the deal structure itself by looking beyond the closing and asking the following questions:  

  •  What are the key assumptions in arriving at this price? 
  •  Can value be conserved and created after closing? 
  •  What are the risks in the existing business, as well as during integration and beyond?  

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